Sentences with phrase «policy staffers»

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then animated data is definitely worth a thousand boring white papers piling up on the desk of policy staffers.
Re # 39: Roger, it is probably worth noting that while this person may now be «outed» to you policy wonks «in the know», some of us don't have lists of Congressional science policy staffers in our heads.
Stefanik is a former economic and domestic policy staffer for the George W. Bush administration, while Woolf is a filmmaker.
This fall, AGU announced it has added to its board prominent left - leaning blogger Chris Mooney and analyst Floyd DesChamps, a former science policy staffer for John McCain.
Many questions from senators prompted groans and laughter from the younger policy staffers, audience members, and reporters at the hearing.
Cohn did not publicly support Trump during the campaign, but Kushner invited him in to meet with the president - elect during the transition, and Cohn apparently really wowed him — after a few more meetings, he was named National Economic Council director, making him the top economic policy staffer in the White House.
One communication revealed Lena Moffit of the Sierra Club writing to three senior policy staffers at the EPA, including Michael Goo, then the associate administrator for policy, on the subject of the Keystone XL pipeline.
And in December a Twitter policy staffer was roasted by UK MPs during a select committee session after the company was again shown failing to remove violent, threatening and racist tweets — which committee staffers had reported months earlier in that case.
The ties between Bush and DeVos are seen not just through their ideas and state legislative crusades but also through their shared reliance on the same network of policy staffers and experts — some of whom are likely to assume key Education Department posts.
Stefanik, a small businesswoman and former economic and domestic policy staffer in the George W. Bush administration, leads wealthy investment banker Matt Doheny 45 to 37 percent, according to the survey by GOP firm Harper Polling.
Facebook's policy staffer, Simon Milner, previously told the committee the consultancy did not have Facebook data.
Evidently finding a way to close down the legal liabilities and / or engineer consent from users to that degree of murky privacy intrusion — involving pools of aggregated personal data gathered by goodness knows who, how, where or when — was a bridge too far for the company's army of legal and policy staffers.
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