Sentences with phrase «policy transmission»

In this regard, the exchange rate serves as both an automatic buffer for internal and external shocks and as an integral part of the monetary policy transmission mechanism.
But from the perspective of monetary policy transmission, the higher level of private sector leverage also does imply a stronger impact from interest rate changes.
According to him, it may bring unpredictable effects on monetary policy transmission and financial stability.
Click on any of the links on the righ hand side of their Monetary Policy Transmission Mechanism for a very simple but informative guide to Canadian Monetary Policy.
Ratings agency ICRA believes that the norms will improve policy transmission for new borrowings.
Grenville S (1995), «The Monetary Policy Transmission Process: What Do We Know?
This is the standard and preferredmonetary policy transmission channel.
Former Fed Governor Stein highlighted that Federal Reserve's monetary policy transmission mechanism works through the «recruitment channel,» in such way that investors are «enlisted» to achieve central bank objectives by taking higher credit risks, or to rebalance portfolio by buying longer - term bonds (thus taking on higher duration risk) to seek higher yield when faced with diminished returns from safe assets.
As stated by Mario Draghi, President of the ECB, the objective of OMTs is to safeguard the monetary policy transmission mechanism in the euro area.
So the money multiplier process (so beloved of textbook writers) has no relevance to policy transmission.
As a result, the monetary policy transmission mechanism — the impact from changes in policy rates — has a stronger effect in Canada than in the United States.
With financial conditions as the policy transmission mechanism, the element of time would determine the sustainability of dollar strength and flatness of the Treasury curve.
However, policy transmission could not become very effective as banks adopted various methods in calculating their cost of funds.
In particular, the ECB invokes distortions in government bond markets as a main threat to the monetary policy transmission mechanism.
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