Sentences with phrase «policy wars»

In today's education policy wars, for better or worse, no choice of a fact can be deemed wholly neutral.
So parties would continue to keep their distance and prosecute their phoney policy wars.
Kevin Mooney — The Daily Signal — June 21, 2015 On first glance, this is a rather routine story in the environmental policy wars.
Would that Dr. Marburger could have enjoyed a longer retirement after departing the grinding Washington policy wars.
Now the challenge will fall to Ms. Notley, Environment Minister Shannon Phillips and Energy Minister Marg McCuaig - Boyd to win the policy war on climate change.
In this way, «The Hartwell Paper» takes sides in a previous fight in the climate policy wars: the struggle between the we - have - energy - solutions - on - the - shelf crowd (Stephen Pacala and Rob Socolow being being the protagonists) and the radical - and - revolutionary - technology - is - necessary - so - cap - and - trade - sytems - are - useless - maybe - harmful crowd (Martin Hoffert of New York University, Roger Pielke Jr., and the Breakthrough Institute).
The Commission on No Child Left Behind, an independent, bipartisan group formed early this year, ventured onto the battlefield of the policy wars with its hearing in Connecticut, a state that last year sued the federal government over the requirements of the school...
Report author Supovitz noted in the Huffington Post that Common Core «won the policy war» despite the efforts of #PJNET and others against it.
Nov. 8, 8:09 a.m. Updated In the face of probes by a state attorney general, hints of hostile congressional hearings and assaults from critics in the blogosphere, hundreds of members of the American Geophysical Union are preparing to speak out * to challenge disinformation and misinformation deployed in the policy wars over global warming.
It's a policy war and a war over values.
Ebell, a 64 - year - old veteran of Washington's policy wars, is director of energy and environmental policy for a libertarian nonprofit organization called the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI), which helped start the Cooler Heads Coalition in 1997.
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