Sentences with phrase «policy world»

In the education policy world, I often feel I'm in the minority for not having teaching experience.
Based on my personal experience, there is little difference from one company to the next in the individual life insurance policy world.
Yet an impact assessment of this kind is not radical - it is the gold - standard approach for assessing public policy the world over.
We can not continue to have infinite growth in a finite planet, at the heart of all economic social and environmental policy world - wide is economic growth.
In less than two minutes, you will be able to find the best policy the world has to offer.
What's important to keep in mind is that in the new education policy world of ESSA, testing systems continue to need to be refined — not discarded.
As part of our ongoing effort to promote JPAM authors to the APPAM membership and the public policy world at large, we are asking JPAM authors to answer a few questions to promote their research article on the APPAM website.
«The quality that is hardest to find in the science policy world is the ability to write clearly and quickly,» says John Marburger, Washington, D.C. - based science adviser to President George W. Bush.
The C - ROADS - based Climate Scoreboard spread virally through the climate policy world during the Copenhagen Conference and was embedded in -LSB-...]
Corroborating and expanding the results obtained here would contribute to both the TFA program itself and the larger policy world in which TFA continues to grow.
The hearing was the third in a series in which the Arizona Republican has called luminaries from the foreign policy world to share their experiences with the panel.
Liberalization of economic policies world - over, and various intergovernmental negotiations to open trades between different countries, have resulted in globalization, which, in my opinion, offers both tremendous opportunities, but also a few threats.
«The information we know in the education policy world gets stuck in ivory towers.
This is the second of three pieces to show how this conceptual friction actually rears its head in the real policy world — the first was on school closures, the third will be on ESEA reauthorization and NCLB waivers.
A large swath of the education policy world lost it.
After state superintendent Tony Bennett's election night defeat sent shockwaves through the school policy world, Governor - elect Mike Pence says the education policies Bennett championed aren't going anywhere.
Brandon Wright, editorial director for the conservative - leaning Thomas B. Fordham Institute was also gratified that «across the spectrum of the ed policy world, people were very vocal about correcting it, publicly encourage people to not spread such things.»
Its goal is to work with a wider lens and give BTs the ability to know how to navigate the education policy world outside their classrooms.
Transformation school leadership in a transactional policy world.
The role of apprenticeships in improving the lives of young learners is high on the government's agenda and in the wider policy world.
In our zero - interest - rate policy world, «Where do I put my cash?»
This analytical document of 15 emblematic cities is simultaneously the result of concrete scientific presentations and a call for general mobilization to devise the sustainable urban policies the world needs.
But that long history of data on past catastrophes does not exist in the cyber insurance policy world, says Stephen Boyer, the CTO and co-founder of risk - rating company BitSight, a company that assesses company risk for cyber policies written by AIG, Travelers, and others.
Each announcement roiled the science policy world.
Although the US does not have a perfect record and sometimes sweep things under the rug when its an election year... We have implemented some of the most audacious environmental policies the world has seen and have spent billions of dollars doing so.
He brings high level scientific skills, experience in the international climate policy world, a broad understanding of climate policy and science, high capacities in science communication, presentation and writing, and experience in managing small teams of scientists developing state of the art models.
On that, the Tigranes of the 21st Century education policy world has nothing to say.
But late last year he decided rather than continue to work for change in the policy world, he could do more good as an entrepreneur.
In the political and policy worlds, though, many bloggers seem to resist the notion that their ideas are influenced by outsiders, and pitching them stories can be a dicey proposition.
After their stints in Washington, D.C., scientists and engineers head in one of three directions, says Cynthia Robinson, director of Science and Technology Policy Fellowships at the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS, the publisher of Science and Science Careers) in Washington, D.C.: They go back to academia, they stay in the policy world, or they decide to do something completely different.
Over the long term, he worries that climate skeptics in the policy world, after dismissing climate change as a risk in recent years, could later change positions and say it was real, embracing climate engineering «as this magic solution that could solve the problem.»
Over and over, former and current fellows emphasized written and oral communication skills as keys to success in the policy world.
But almost half get «Potomac fever» and decide to stay in the policy world, either as a return fellow or as a full - time employee at their fellowship agency, at a different government office, or at an outside organization.
The 44th class of AAAS Science & Technology Policy Fellows began their tenure with optimism and hope that they can help solve some of the world's biggest problems, despite warnings that the policy world is different from the one they just left.
Monitoring legislation, educating members of Congress about the impact of proposed legislation on scientific research, and informing scientists about the potential impact of policies and legislation on their research funding and practice are all in a days work for Heather Rieff, a former postdoc who moved into the policy world.
«There are some significant differences between the scientific world view and the policy world view,» Cynthia Robinson, director of the AAAS Science & Technology Policy Fellowship program told the fellows on 1 September as their orientation began.
Hughes» career has ricocheted between academia and the policy world, always with a focus on urban poverty.
Although the AAAS Environmental Fellowship provides a rich first - hand experience of life in the policy world, there are a few things prospective applicants should keep in mind.
«Frankly, the people who run things are senior scientists, so even though I am a scientist I'll be at a disadvantage in the policy world
They joined experts from the policy world at «Re-Imagining Epidemic Communication Strategies: A Forum for Best Practices for Response and Preparedness,» held 4 December at AAAS headquarters in Washington, D.C..
There are people in the policy world who would like to see action taken much more quickly, and there are some objective, scientific arguments for that.
The fellowship was exactly the opportunity I needed to gain the training, knowledge and experience necessary to enter the policy world of Washington, D.C. Because the fellowship allows the fellow to work in different settings, I gained an appreciation of the range of career options available, and this empowered me to choose a career path after the fellowship that was right for me.
What we can do in our corner of the policy world, at least, is address the spiraling retirement costs (pensions and health care) that are taking money directly out of the classroom.
«Policy may not be the solution, but having radical thinkers in the policy world» might be, she said.
I'm of the mind that we're still not fully or fairly articulating — at least in the policy world — what it means to be a great and improving teacher.
The ed - policy world is abuzz: ESEA now probably stands a better chance of being reauthorized than at any time since NCLB's signing, thirteen years ago yesterday.

Phrases with «policy world»

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