Sentences with phrase «polite behaviors»

You'll learn how to teach your rescue dog polite behaviors using positive reinforcement and how to laugh at mistakes.
Rooted in canine behavioral science, these humane training methods get you the polite behaviors you want while preserving trust between you and your dog.
Obedience Training includes all the polite behaviors we love to have in a family dog: sitting, staying in place, a polite loose leash walk, a fast and reliable recall.
Instead, assume your dog is confused and teach him polite behaviors instead.
It's vital to teach young children polite behaviors around puppies.
Emphasis on using foundation skills, learning principles, and understanding dog body language to resolve behavior problems and train polite behaviors, so you can enjoy life with your pet.
For puppy owners: Because you can teach your puppy the polite behaviors we humans like (and no, if you neglect to tell him, he won't figure it out on his own).
When your dog has performed some polite behaviors and calmed down a little, you can offer him few minutes of play with a favorite toy.
This means your dog will engage more and more in these polite behaviors.
This program will teach self control and polite behaviors.
Implicit to that is expected polite behavior, the idea that Facebook won't abuse your data, or your trust.
In a bizarre twist, enforcing polite behavior has come to be considered a virtue that relieves anyone who engages in it from having himself to be polite.
Perhaps Jesus actually ignored the niceties of polite behavior on such occasions and preferred to act like the tax collectors and sinners with whom he usually consorted.
• In toddlerhood: You can start teaching your toddler basic manners by encouraging him to say «please,» «thank you,» and «excuse me» — and by modeling polite behavior yourself, Lickona says.
Once when they earned a classroom celebration for polite behavior, I offered them three choices, candy, fruit or extra recess.
Find out what our expert says about how to teach kids good manners and how parents can model polite behavior, starting with ple...
Modeling cooperation and polite behavior sets a positive tone for co-parenting.
With the use of role - playing scenarios and simple concentration activities (such as practicing pushing in a chair as quietly as possible), the child learns how to respond with good manners and reinforces polite behavior in various situations.
Throughout the year, when class party situations arose, we all had a common background of knowledge from which to draw regarding polite behavior
The debt relief company has garnered appreciation from customers primarily for their quality of customer services, efficiency and the polite behavior of professionals.
Once outside, the volunteer was expected to click and treat any polite behavior the dog offered.
For example, we taught the volunteers to click and treat any polite behavior the dog offered, such as being quiet, standing, sitting, or waiting.
Missy & Buzz give Treats Happen several paws up — all of their dehydrated treats make wonderful rewards for polite behavior.
He learns what is polite behavior, which dogs would like to play with him and what behavior gets him a correction from another dog.
Impulse Control - The 6 keys to teaching dogs calm and polite behavior - by Jennifer Cattett Ph.D.:
By doing so, I make sure not to set the pups up for failure — I don't believe I'd be able to expect polite behavior if I didn't incorporate our set of rules & regular exercise.
The ten step test covers the basic exercises needed to make your dog a welcome canine companion including sit, down, stay, walking nicely on leash, appropriately greeting humans, polite behavior around another dog, etc..
You're helping your German Shepherd learn a few new behaviors, and you're starting to think of ways to reward your dog for polite behavior.
If your dog behaves himself, reward him for his polite behavior in the presence of the other dog.
Since most of our longest stay dogs have been practicing their polite behavior, they go to offsite events and charm the locals to encourage them to adopt, whether it's a large breed, long stay dog or a puppy.
I like to take the pups along with me whenever I can, and this was perfect for practicing polite behavior in a distracting environment outdoors.
Your dog may whine a lot less if she's busy performing some other, more polite behavior instead.
I've also worked a lot with treat clip - on bags that held high - value treats to reward polite behavior outside.
Reward both of them for polite behavior and take breaks if anyone gets upset.
The helper can ask your dog to respond to obedience cues, like sit and down, using the treats to reward her polite behavior.
These skills include polite greetings, basic obedience skills, and polite behavior around dogs on leash.
In Missing Manners for the Digital Age, Dennis Kennedy and Tom Mighell discuss the evolving notion of «digital etiquette,» where people are most likely to make missteps in digital manners, and their take on guiding principles for good and polite behavior in our digital world.
Speak about your polite behavior.
Modeling cooperation and polite behavior sets a positive tone for co-parenting.

Not exact matches

Because of The Funded, he's modified his behavior in an effort to be more polite.
The trouble with those requests is that while sometimes the request is totally legitimate, oftentimes it's really the prospect practicing avoidance behavior and trying to be polite.
Oh, yes, W4A — and reading through these comments I don't see how anyone can miss the fact that you have just been the poster - child for polite, kind, tolerant and non-hypocritical behavior.
Your polite manner, courteous behavior, and professionalism are greatly appreciated.
Then I schmeared Nutella in there because my wee little children looked at me with large eyes and said «please» and aren't I trying to encourage polite asking behavior?
On a team noted for boorish behavior, Righetti is the polite Yankee.
Is it really so ridiculous to jut expect polite, helpful, kind behavior?
Tell her how proud you are of her when she's polite to you and others, and reward her behavior with time together, a treat, or even a hug.
Just as you dole out consequences for rude and crude behavior, you should also reward your tween when she's polite and behaving respectfully.
For example, «Use polite words» and «Keep your hands and feet to yourself» are specific behaviors that clearly define playing nicely.
However, behavior is much more than just polite children who say «please» and «thank you.»
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