Sentences with phrase «political asset»

The circumstance of his group as «underdog» becomes his most valuable political asset.
He had another major political asset besides his name.
This is supposedly a unique political asset, but it doesn't appear to be doing him any good.
It's also been a key political asset, granting a measure of outsider status in the electoral sphere and making it hard for opponents to land attacks.
Two of David Cameron's greatest political assets are his double digit lead over Ed Miliband as the public's preference for PM and the extent to which he personally outpolls his party.
He said Buhari regarded Tinubu as a priceless political asset to the party whose immeasurable contributions to the development and progress of the ruling party are known to all.
The popularity of charter schools among Bostonians and the growing number of families whose children attend them is potentially a huge political asset to a new administration; it can also be a credible threat.
It is undignified and demeaning, ft leads to a situation where the celebration among blacks of individual success and of the personal traits associated with it comes to be seen, quite literally, as a betrayal of the black poor, because such celebration undermines the legitimacy of what has proven to be their most valuable political asset — their supposed helplessness.
The vice-president's off - the - cuff candor is both his greatest political asset and his gravest liability.
And we shouldn't be treating innocence as a political asset used to push the agenda of more sophisticated players.»
Being «diverse» is a political asset in the contemporary project of securing the right to rule.
Is Christianity a political asset or a liability?
But the decisions, in some cases, also reflect the reality that even in some pockets of a state as reliably blue as New York, Democrats do not see the president as a political asset.
If Cameron was genuinely the political asset he is made out to be, he would have little to fear from debating either Ed Miliband or Nigel Farage.
This is the same man that these bastards never supported his noble agenda for the state, talked hypocritically about him and used his political assets to promote another person.»
But it is a political asset that might be deployed to create such a passport.
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