Sentences with phrase «political claims»

The price we pay for a free press in the U.S. is the need to have healthy skepticism of political claims.
In this way, when using terms like the «son of God» about Jesus, the New Testament writers were certainly making theological claims about Jesus, but more than that, were making political claims about Jesus.
Most liberation theologians have more work to do if they are to make clear that this exercise of the divine freedom, too, can never be theologically identical with any particular political claim.
Global temperatures are running far above last year's record - setting level, all but guaranteeing that 2015 will be the hottest year in the historical record — and undermining political claims that global warming had somehow stopped.
Despite prevalent narratives of state neglect, or of negative encounters with the police or various politicians during electoral campaigns, the state remained indelibly present in young people's imagination as the locus of political claims.
Former Congressman Harold Ford, now at Morgan Stanley, is routinely on TV making political claims.
For we are confronted here by two absolute claims of which the political claim is one.
These political claims for Christ and for the church as the people of God demand that people make a choice of allegiance.
«No existing sound research substantiates the political claim that giving people asylum in Europe stimulates more flow,» says Alexander Betts, head of the Refugee Studies Centre at the University of Oxford.
But, I protest, aren't all political claims types of beliefs?
org (political claims).
Shortly after our visit, Riverside decided to stop providing CPS with grade - equivalent score labels which CPS used to make the political claim that flunked students were simply reading or doing math «below grade level.»
But the claim that we should stick to only one tool — mitigation — is a political claim, not a technical or scientific one.
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