Sentences with phrase «political digital company»

Does a stand - alone political digital company not make sense?

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But now more than ever it's vital for citizens and companies to fully grasp the role botnets play in not only the digital economy, but on a geo - political level.
In testimony before a parliamentary committee, Jeff Silvester of B.C. - based AggregateIQ also insisted his company's services, which he said include digital ads, website creation and software development, are already widely used by Canada's major political parties.
The actress and political activist details the ways she unsuccessfully combated traumatic online harassment and offered other solutions, including improving digital media literacy and ending sexism in tech companies.
Waxman is trying to bring a political moral suasion to the Trib spinoff, asking what indeed will be the impact of the Tribune Company's stripping assets of every kind — terrestrial, digital, and financial — from the newspapers.
The company's core strength: innovative political marketing — microtargeting — by measuring people's personality from their digital footprints, based on the OCEAN model.
This week, AML Bitcoin, a company that purports to be creating an un-hackable digital currency that supposedly combats money laundering, manufactured a small outrage news cycle when it announced that the NFL and NBC rejected its Super Bowl advertisement for being «too political
You could also take some of the products of these programs out of the public domain (if they are in the public domain) and charge royalties (or higher royalties) to cable and digital TV and radio services, satellite radio services, etc. (which are required to carry Corporation for Public Broadcasting content under current regulations) and might even get those companies to do so by contract with PBS, NPR, etc. rather than from the government, if this was authorized by law (I don't know if it is or not, but this wouldn't take much political clout to get done).
He left the Army in 1995 being first a political consultant with Hill and Knowlton UK Ltd and then Managing Director of WorldSpace, a digital satellite company.
Previous campaigns had mostly outsourced technology to political vendors like Blue State Digital, a tech company that cut its teeth on Howard Dean's [failed presidential] campaign in 2004.
Digital comics Apple CEO Steve Jobs has admitted the company made a mistake when it rejected an iPhone app from political cartoonist Mark Fiore, who last week won a Pulitzer Prize.
In a blog post, Facebook Chief Executive Mark Zuckerberg said the company supports the Honest Ads Act, a proposed bill in Congress that would require large digital platforms to keep a public library of the paid political ads that appear on their sites.
According to a note shared by the company, in 2015 Facebook found out that, despite telling its users otherwise, Cambridge professor Aleksandr Kogan passed user data collected through personality testing app «thisisyourdigitallife» (which touted itself as a personality test used by psychologists) to the political firm Cambridge Analytica — a company owned by Robert Mercer and led by Steve Bannon at the time — and to Christopher Wylie, from a digital service company called Eunoia Technologies.
The data analytics company purports to help political candidates win elections with targeted digital ads.
The information of up to 87 million people was distributed to this FB affiliated company, which purports to help political candidates win elections with targeted digital ads.
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