Sentences with phrase «political gridlock»

"Political gridlock" refers to a situation where politicians and political parties are unable to make progress or reach agreements on important issues, often resulting in a stalemate or a lack of action. It means that the government is stuck, unable to pass laws or make decisions because of disagreements and an inability to compromise. Full definition
Observing the current state of political gridlock in the U.S. and elsewhere, Avent isn't optimistic it will happen without a fight.
But, after years of political gridlock on the climate issue, coupled with rising seas and worsening droughts, one thing is clear: the nation simply can not afford to wait any longer to take action.
But if political gridlock continues, the dollar could weaken further.
Back in August — with the Greek debt crisis escalating and U.S. political gridlock on budget policy frightening investors everywhere — Flaherty was pressed by NDP finance critic Peggy Nash to consider pumping some federal cash into the vulnerable Canadian economy.
Republicans are certainly responsible for political gridlock right now (a great thing, one might argue), but plenty of attention has been paid towards these technologies by both sides of the aisle in past years.
Prabowo, on the other hand, has built his appeal by calling for «firm» leadership capable of cutting through political gridlock.
Powell, like other commentators, believes the new Republican ascendancy could end in the breaking of political gridlock because it spreads the responsibility to get things done between both parties, giving both a reason to compromise and achieve.
Sampson was Democratic majority leader for part of a term that was marked by political gridlock.
Italy is currently stuck in political gridlock as its parties have been unable to form a government more than one month after national elections.
Contrast Canada with the United States where needed changes to Social Security and other entitlement programs are held hostage to ongoing political gridlock.
Now requiring a three - fifths majority vote to pass a budget, Illinois which already faces billions in unpaid bills, severely underfunded pensions, and complete political gridlock has the unenviable task of digging themselves out of an even deeper hole.
Removing political gridlock in fiscal policy is far more important than what the Federal Reserve can do for the nation's economic recovery, Glenn Hubbard, former economic advisor to George W. Bush and the dean of Columbia Business School, told «Nightly Business Report.»
The IDC is the Independent Democratic Conference, which broke away from the mainline Democratic conference in 2009, after a year of fiscal crisis and political gridlock when Democrats had briefly gained the majority.
Monserrate returned to the Democratic caucus shortly after the coup, but it took nearly a month of political gridlock before Espada did the same.
Facing political gridlock on Capitol Hill and abroad, the PCAST scientists opted to highlight steps that PCAST member Daniel Schrag, a geochemist and energy expert at Harvard University, said the president «could push for and achieve.»
Newtown (Unrated) Political gridlock expose» chronicling a grieving Connecticut community's futile lobbying effort for gun reform legislation in the wake of the mass murder of 6 teachers and 20 students at an elementary school.
We've run into the same political gridlock, the same inertia that has held us back for decades.
Attractive to anyone frustrated by the current political gridlock, Lovins argues that the «twin transition to efficiency and renewables» «requires no new federal taxes, subsidies, mandates, or laws.
And Obama was even more constrained in Paris by domestic political gridlock than he was in Copenhagen: by 2015, the Republican - led Congress wouldn't even bother hearing a climate bill.
Those of us hoping for real solutions often despair at the unnecessary political gridlock and the lack of traction for widespread solutions.
But things came to a head when I found myself holding back from sharing negative tweets about American gun laws and political gridlock after the Las Vegas shootings.
«So will uncertainty about who will be president in 2013; about tax rates and spending levels; about the threat of another government shutdown over the debt ceiling; and about the risk of another sovereign rating downgrade should political gridlock continue to block a plan for medium - term fiscal consolidation.»
ALBANY - Pursuing a promise to improve state government, Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo has used a mix of guile, flattery, force and money to shake up Albany, a capital city known for political gridlock and scandal, legislators and analysts said.
A plan to thin New York City's bad traffic by making part of Manhattan a toll zone is gaining momentum after years of political gridlock.
Political gridlock and mounting federal debt have effectively rendered the U.S. government impotent, robbing it of its historic ability to spur social change.
But The Economist was more critical of Toronto's mayor and political gridlock, while Hudak complained about the city's high unemployment, which, while comparable to Montreal's, falls behind Canada's other major cities.
We continue to hold the debt because we're confident the state's government can successfully unravel the political gridlock and arrive at a short - term resolution.
It might be because of political gridlock, high levels of uncertainty, or something else.
Even with Republican majorities, political gridlock continues.
Each must avoid, at all costs, being seen as the keeper of the political gridlock or the obstructionist - in - chief.
A standoff in August 2011 rattled financial markets and the political gridlock led the credit rating firm Standard & Poor's to downgrade its AAA rating of U.S. debt for the first time in history.
«The goal of the suit would be to 1) reopen park facilities, and 2) resolve the political gridlock which led to the parks» lockdown.»
«The political gridlock in Washington may take a bite out of the securities industry's profits for the fourth quarter,» DiNapoli said in a statement.
The unsightly result has been a form of political gridlock.
«I would attract to a lot of the millennials, people my age who are in the early 30s, later 30s, who are just sick and tired of politics in general, sick and tired of political gridlock and they're looking for someone who can relate to many of their issues,» Gordon said.
«That process is daunting, and the political gridlock that exists in Albany offers no comfort to any New York citizen.
A plan to thin New York City's bad traffic by making part of Manhattan a toll zone — otherwise known as congestion pricing — is gaining momentum after years of political gridlock.
In a time of political gridlock and heated partisan rhetoric, our multi-racial effort to reach consensus on district lines should be viewed as a model for cooperation in our diverse city.
During his years as leader, Skelos went out of his way to partner with Cuomo, allowing bills like the SAFE Act and same - sex marriage to come to the floor, and enabling the governor to tout his bipartisan successes at a time when Washington was mired in political gridlock.
This job - creating economic plan defies the political gridlock that has paralyzed Washington and shows that we can make government work for the people of this State once again.
In other words, when the Assembly is blasted for a late budget or political gridlock, and Silver willingly takes the hits from the public, he's in a sense sacrificing his own public image and protecting his members, who escape such attacks.
«This job - creating economic plan defies the political gridlock that has paralyzed Washington and shows that we can make government work for the people of this State once again,» Cuomo said in a statement, noting that the change would create the state's lowest tax rate in 58 years for middle class families.
The legislative process «is daunting, and the political gridlock that exists in Albany offers no comfort to any New York citizen,» the group wrote.
By the way, both Congressmen belong to a group called «No Labels», working across the aisle to break through the political gridlock in Washington, D.C. Pattern for Progress serves a nine - county region in the Hudson Valley.
He set an aggressive, if less dramatic, agenda for his second year after a first year widely praised as both fiscally conservative and progressive in breaking years of political gridlock to legalize gay marriage.
Political gridlock, government paralysis, fear and indecision had taken control.»
Though he struck partisan notes throughout his speech, Mr. Donovan nevertheless vowed to combat the political gridlock in Washington.
The widely used weed killer faced a 30 June deadline for reapproval of its safety — without which it could not be sold — but the decision has been stuck in political gridlock.
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