Sentences with phrase «political infrastructure»

It would also require it to establish a real party political infrastructure.
But Chin, in particular, has her own political infrastructure in Chinatown, where she was a community activist for decades.
Murphy, 44, has poured $ 250,000 into the state Democratic Party to hire field staff and build political infrastructure, as well as start the anti-Trump Fight Back Connecticut initiative to promote grassroots activism.
Among other key pieces of political infrastructure funded by Scaife, he was one of the first major foundation funders of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC).
Its central location, network of existing businesses, and supportive political infrastructure make it a top prediction for Bradley Tusk, the founder of the New York City - based political strategy and venture firm Tusk Ventures.
Now, imagine not just two local candidates, but a full statewide political infrastructure, working with hundreds of campaigns and organizations to build a massive, institutional relationship network that shares between relevant campaigns in real time.
Where campaign dollars used to be spent on direct mail and television ad buys, their thinking goes, modern political infrastructures should be spending money on YouTube pre-roll video ads, search engine optimization, promoted Tweets and Facebook posts.
That meant that large - scale political infrastructures were institutionally limited to building and maintaining a set number of relationships.
But something happened recently that changes this dynamic and empowers political infrastructures to morph and adapt not just based on the views of the elites, but also based on the views of the general public.
But behind the scenes, they're taking advantage of an energized electorate and organized political infrastructure to help build their own campaign operations.
Our conversion process has thus been guided by technical expertise driven by the long term strategic interest of Ghana and guided by global best practice not simplistic political infrastructure rhetoric.
He is author of The Machine: A Field Guide to the Resurgent Right, a recently published book on how the right - wing political infrastructure was rebuilt after President Obama's 2008 election.
The main components to transform Cyprus into a regional fund centre of excellence are its strategic location, its stable and transparent political infrastructure, its modern legal system based on common law, its full compliance with EU and OECD standards for anti-money laundering and insider dealing, and its expert professional and financial services offered at a competitive cost.
«This has been, for a long time, a forgotten part of Brooklyn without a lot of attention paid to building political infrastructure,» he said.
Cary Murnion and Jonathan Milott's Bushwick is a genre film with a refreshing sense of political infrastructure.
One account called the attack on a political infrastructure a compromise of «our civic infrastructure.»
Even though he was born in politically tumultuous times, Jesus maintained an interesting posture when it came to engaging the political infrastructure.
As we've been discussing here and elsewhere, Gov. Andrew Cuomo has strong institutional support from New York's political infrastructure.
Accepting the premise of the above, the truly urgent goal of digital campaigning becomes clear: political infrastructures that are able to scale to the point that they can build and manage an infinite number of genuine, one - to - one relationships can become infinitely more powerful than those who continue to maintain just a couple hundred relationships with rich and powerful people and try to persuade the rest.
More than that, political infrastructures can track and maintain relationships at scale across many different engagement platforms as they grow and develop anywhere it happens — whether in the real world or digitally, whether in the field, on the finance team, online or in person.
Knowing how people are engaging with a political infrastructure opens up a world of possibilities around creating pathways for increased participation, local autonomy and ownership.
The party seeks to build a political infrastructure that can match the Democrats and Republicans in votes, donations and offices held without succumbing to the special interests and self serving behavior that has corrupted America's government.
Since last year, he has continued to build his political infrastructure so much so that he would likely be the early front - runner in a 2020 contest if he ran again.
It is a love for a country which is confident enough to welcome new arrivals without worrying that it will lose itself in the process; which can allow many cultures to thrive inside it because it has the political infrastructure for them to do so safely; which has the history and continuity to make it comfortable with the shifting fortunes of the world.
Higher Heights» Glynda Carr said black women in New York face the same challenges as black women in other states: navigating the political infrastructure and gatekeepers, being prepared to raise the necessary amount of money — particularly in a «major media outlet» like New York — to be a viable candidate and navigating where the entry points will be.
A New York Democratic operative said Bloomberg has a political infrastructure in place and «sleeper cells ready,» if he runs.
How propagandised have we become, that we tolerate the destruction of a country's social, economic and political infrastructure to pacify the markets that created its problems?
It also shows a deep connection to the political infrastructure in Washington, of which Clinton is an integral component.
The acid attack resonated far beyond the world of ballet, both into Russia's political infrastructure and, as renowned musicologist Simon Morrison shows in his tour - de-force account, the very core of the Bolshoi's unparalleled history.
«The political infrastructure has really come to the foreground — the election, the voting the system.
Eastwood describes his work as «steeped within the socio - political infrastructure
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