Sentences with phrase «political leadership comes»

I am certain, however, that Canada's innovation performance will not improve unless the country's business, university and political leadership comes together to consider radically different policies, programs and tools.

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With a dozen years under her belt in Germany's highest political office and a national election approaching in September, this was supposed to be the year that Merkel's leadership came under threat.
I think we're on the cusp of a generation of government, political and social leadership that come from the «outside» as barriers of entry to these fields are lowered and we see more competitive elections, which will hopefully be more content - driven.
The increased scrutiny comes at a time of emphasis on political and economic stability ahead of the Communist Party's 19th Party Congress this autumn, when leadership decisions are likely to be made.
Let's hope these four Finance Minister can now come up with a «magic elixir» that they, and their colleagues can use at their next finance ministers» meeting to create some «political leadership and courage».
Whatever the necessary concessions to short - term political rhetoric, and despite the ever - present leadership need for forward - looking - encouragement, the time has come for a far more sober cast of mind.
But while top political leadership has come chiefly from members of one of the mainline Protestant groups, that membership has been of little political significance.
He might come close, but political - spiritual leadership is a game of inches.
Despite the opprobrium that Mr Blair's interventions draw from Labour's new model army, his analysis and political approach remains the only coherent argument coming from the left of centre and Labour's leadership appears to be out of step with the Party.
Gaining agreement at international summits really does come down to the phone calls, the one - to - one meetings, the cajoling undertaken by political leaders, but in the lead - up to the Cannes G20 summit we saw no evidence of any such leadership.
Following the example of other distinguished political scientists such as Azar Gat and Francis Fukuyama [2], Brown even extends the analysis of leadership back to pre-historic times analysing its emergence in earlier forms of social organization such as egalitarian hunter - gatherer societies noting that with increased community size came the rise of authoritarian chiefdoms, arguably the first true political leaders (pp. 40 - 2).
«You will need political leadership today because governments come to office, and you will need that chief executive of the country to say that I am interested in making sure that that part of my country, which I preside over has a lasting peace and I will allow for independent and proper adjudication of justice by the application of the traditional or customary wheels of justice and current or legal means of justice to run in tandem, to bring whatever impasse that has existed over the period to a halt,» he told host Ekow Mensah - Shalders.
Given the generally unsavoury history of strong political leadership Brown alerts us to, it seems we are, in fact, more likely to be secure under leaders who take the necessary time to come to informed decisions about how to react in complex situations compared to those who act swiftly, thinking they know more than they really do.
According to Governing Magazine, political and business leadership in the area has tended to come from the same families for decades, with little impetus to change.
Rab came from the Tory political establishment, was a Chamberlain appeaser, responsible for the 1944 Education Act, helped to revive Conservative One Nation Toryism after 1945, was Chancellor of the Exchequer, Home Secretary and Foreign Secretary but was outmanoeuvred for the leadership and premiership by Macmillan.
The Clinton family's grip on the Democratic Party has come to an end and it's time for a new generation of leadership to lead the party, CNN political commentator Van Jones said.
Valesky's first step toward redefining his political career came after Thanksgiving in 2010, when the Senate Democrats called a leadership vote for the next two years.
When Gordon Brown first came to political prominence he was a very different figure to the man who says he will leave the Labour leadership by the autumn.
While electability is the ultimate test of political leadership, this leadership came down to a choice between acceptability and competence.
The coalition government's schools policy comes under fire from activists at the Liberal Democrat conference - in a move that risks embarrassing the party leadership, but not a vote that threatens the coalition says political editor Gary Gibbon.
Today's closed door meetings and political maneuverings come after lawmaker met for about five hours Monday to discuss leadership.
«Ed Miliband has delivered the most personal speech of the Labour leadership election, coming clean about his early life and political inspirations.
In addition, Burke, a Buffalo Democrat running for State Assembly, said that if he's elected, he will review state laws regarding public authorities to dismantle the ability for political appointees to «rig the system» when it comes to Water Authority leadership.
«I would love to see the leadership come from Upstate,» said Vince Casale, chairman of the Otsego County Republican committee and a political consultant.
NEW YORK, United States — After a clear yet shocking statement from the American electorate on Tuesday, many are struggling to come to terms with what a Donald Trump victory says about the current political sentiment in the country and what the future leadership of the controversial president - elect might mean for the United States and the world.
Moreover, leadership and learning are important areas when it comes to people's beliefs; political, symbolic and business leaders have a major impact on our lives, as well as the school and university leaders, and — not the least — those who lead the learning that takes place in those organizations: the teachers.
Let's hope the Texas political leadership can resist the anti-accountability forces in the months and years to come.
In other words, the current board is sharply divided along ideological lines, with members too often focused on scoring political points and talking as though they're channeling either UTLA leadership or the most rigid of reformers, rather than thinking independently to come up with rational ideas that advance the cause of sound education.
This is the last negotiation session before everyone comes to Doha, and there is very limited time for Qatar to show its strong political leadership, and make sure that Parties come to COP18 with the political mandate needed to ensure a successful outcome.
Your emergence as the great American populist of the early 21st century comes at a time in which heroic political leadership, above all, is required to avert the collapse of civilization.
«It's an indication that the political leadership in the state of Florida is not willing to address these issues and face the music when it comes to the challenges that climate change present,» Byrd said.
Such political leadership makes Florida only second to California when it comes to Tesla sales.
Others have worked in close proximity to senior leadership and are unwilling to engage in the political warfare that often comes with bigger roles.
Yet, like political leadership, executive leadership comes in varying degrees of excellence (and incompetence).
«In 2008, our political leaders came to the fore in a demonstration of leadership, putting aside partisan politics.
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