Sentences with phrase «political man»

Romney in my eyes is worse then the typical political man because not only is he involved in politics but is coming off as someone who really cares about the US and the people in it because of his religion.
Following news that Brazil's president, Michel Temer, moved out of the presidential palace because of bad «energy» and «ghosts,» comes another tale of a powerful political man and his maybe - haunted house.
Lincoln was a political man but Darwin was a man of science — Lincoln's greatness is tarnished by the seedy interests and craven negotiations of political life but Darwin was devoted to the truth, which brooks no compromise.
i am a political man and i practice what i preach!
Not least because just last week, Brand was recorded saying he was «not a political man» and revealing that he had not even registered to vote in the election himself...
«What people are neglecting is I'm not a political man, I'm a spiritual man.
The endorsement comes just two weeks after TP published exclusive footage of Brand saying he was «not a political man»... and that he had not registered to vote in the 2015 general election.
He noted Wilberforce's belief that «religion is the business of every one, but that its advancement or decline in any country is so intimately connected with the temporal interests of society, as to render it the peculiar concern of a political man...».
It comes a week after TP published exclusive footage of Brand saying he was «not a political man» and that he had not registered to vote in the 2015 general election.
I'm not a political man, I'm just not.
The Shanker myth also leaves those who support traditional public schooling, in its original form, stranded in a political no man's land.
It would drag the process out, leave the company in the «kill zone» of media and environmentalist attacks, in a political no man's land, amid deadly crossfire from savvy and well - funded activists, journalists and bureaucrats.
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