Sentences with phrase «political manipulation»

"Political manipulation" refers to the act of influencing people or events in politics for personal gain. It involves using strategies and tactics, often deceptive or dishonest, to control or sway public opinion, policies, or power for one's own benefit. Full definition
Political manipulation of a scientific document — or pages upon pages of newly - discovered scientific errors?
Psychology has always been used as a tool for political manipulation.
For instance, the federal legislature has, by these amendments entrenched extensive electoral reforms, including financial and administrative autonomy for INEC as well as freeing the electoral umpire from political manipulations.
Soyinka, at a press conference in Lagos on April 28, said Buhari's failure to publicly disclose his state of health had increased political manipulations in the country.
Nor would a carbon tax create a new multibillion - dollar global commodity whose value would depend on political manipulation.
Will the corporate sector, motivated by rising security and compliance issues, joined by private citizens aghast at how Facebook has been fostering political manipulation mete out more immediate sanctions, by boycotting the social media giant en masse?
While religion was the dominant feature of the campaign, it was warped by massive political manipulation and other salient factors.
This is just political manipulation of students» educational outcomes which has nothing at all to do with the real purpose of education.
But to see him being used as a pawn in Avella's devious political manipulation of the electoral system speaks volumes about his character.
«Let him address the nation and stop all these speculations which creates unnecessary political manipulations among other things,» he said.
These three elements - cynical political manipulation, nationalism and post-truth politics - are doing something dangerous to this country.
But it's good that these newspapers recognize Gianforte's action for what it is: an attack on a vital check against political manipulation.
Lies are always corrosive, whither in public or private life, but the use of outright falsehood for political manipulation really wasn't viable until media outlets like Fox arrived to provide fact free opinion sources disguised as news.
Many US agencies now have policies banning political manipulation of research — but ambiguities remain.
Following the news of Facebook's data breach that allowed political manipulation of the 2016 election, the social media giant is facing a steady stream of criticism from a variety of sources.
He is the author of 1492 and All That: Political Manipulations of History.
«As the only engineer in the U.S. Senate,» Sununu said, «I've been proud to protect funding for the National Science Foundation from political manipulation and fully support funding for adult and amniotic stem cell research — which has already resulted in a number of treatments that have proven to be successful in patient trials.»
The concept of winning friends and influencing people has been perverted for online political manipulation... by robots.
Like stage magicians, such economists distract their audience's attention from the topic at hand in this case, the tendency for privatizations to turn control over to financial managers and foreign owners to somewhere that they can distract the audience's attention from the «invisible hand» of corruption and political manipulation.
These developments include major data privacy breaches such as the Equifax leak, the troubling revelations about the use of personal data assembled by Facebook for marketing and political manipulation, and the introduction of the European Union's General Data Privacy Regulations, which establish new facts on the ground regarding compliance for globally active companies.
While Reilly is adept at fingering the political manipulation of the AIDS crisis by gay advocates, he ignores the real opening of love between church folk and gay people, often family and friends, that the epidemic forced.
Their ideas of objective scholarship have been overtaken by forms of engaged or committed scholarship which they see as a mixture of radical subjectivism and political manipulation.
The political manipulation of Christianity was the design behind the declaration of the National Party's first prime minister, D. F. Malan, that the church's «special calling» was to «guard the [Afrikaner] national interest,» and it is the design behind the recent call of South African Communist Party leader Joe Slovo for «every good believer to become a witness for liberation.»
But this approach has brought its own problems, tending as it does to reduce religion to an instrument of social control and political manipulation.
That would be quite different from the political manipulation of economic discontent practiced by today's Russian nationalists.
And loneliness makes us prey to a thousand varieties of political manipulation.
«It's too limited in scope and too subject to political manipulation to be effective.»
Jordan expressed concern that the new charter conflict committee could be open to political manipulation.
«The more desperate Rob Astorino gets, the more bizarre his political manipulations become.
That total media / political manipulation was a farce and hurt the Democrats.
Mandelson, a Labour peer known as the Prince of Darkness for his mastery of the shadowy arts of political manipulation, has been lobbying influential Manchester figures about taking over the top job at the University of Manchester this summer, the Guardian understands.
Pointing to Health Republic as a cautionary tale, insurance officials charge that the prior approval process is arbitrary, subject to political manipulation, and unnecessary in the state's competitive insurance market.
«The more desperate Rob Astorino gets, the more bizarre his political manipulations become,» Wing said.
Abe claimed in a letter he wrote to the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Mr. Yakubu Dogara, that the public hearing was part of the political manipulation of the Governor Nyesom Wike - led Peoples Democratic Party's government in Rivers State.
To its credit, this visibly theatrical opening draws attention to themes including conversation and compromise, ideals and art, themes reinforced and complicated in the film's focus on the political manipulations Lincoln managed in order to ensure that the 13th Amendment was passed by the divided House of Representatives before the end of the war (it has been passed by the Senate before this film begins, in April 1864).
The Candidate sends up the political manipulation of image and message in an era long before the birth of cable news.
This commercial strategy, geared toward adolescents of all ages, resembles the Democratic party's political manipulation of black Americans, targeting that audience through its insecurities about heritage, social prestige, and empowerment.
Litigation, Flores shows, is time - consuming, costly, subject to political manipulation, and prone to prompting unpredictable policy reforms that even the plaintiffs may not wish for.
But varying levels of test refusals also skew the ability to compare schools, districts, states or anything else in a landscape of controversy and political manipulation.
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