Sentences with phrase «political opportunist»

A political opportunist is someone who takes advantage of situations to advance their own political interests and gain power or benefits, often without any true commitment to a specific ideology or cause. They are more focused on personal gain rather than principled actions. Full definition
President Muhammadu Buhari today warned those he described as political opportunists against making political gains out of kidnap issues and other security matters.
I have in mind textbook publishers, test - makers, teacher unions, and political opportunists of every sort, lately and most prominently of the «tea party» persuasion, who will do and say anything to take down Obama and everything he's for.
Democratic candidate David Fried is a pure political opportunist who had the Rockland Legislature create a job for him paying over $ 100,000 while at the same time it was firing loyal county employees because the county was (and is) broke.
They - particularly following the lead of Robert Conquest in his 1967 book The Great Terror - presented Stalin as a bloodthirsty, paranoid, political opportunist determined to secure total power over all other considerations.
Our six grand cashback is disappearing round a corner, now in the ownership of a GENUINE political opportunist.
While Labour and LibDem activists mourn, and political opportunists seize the moment, is the loss of the election such a bad thing?
And just last night, in a House of Commons debate on the European Budget, we saw Europe turned into a political football as political opportunists sought to score a political point.
«While the IDC fights for stronger sexual harassment law, it's sad that political opportunists like the Working Families Party, and candidates running against fellow Democrats hijack such an important issue for political gain,» Giove said in a statement.
But it offers positive proof that Mr. Altschuler, who reportedly wanted to run for Congress in New Jersey before moving to St. James two years ago, is a carpetbagger and political opportunist trying to buy a congressional seat.
It's not hard to see the film's aesthetic as a low - rent, Bourbon Street House of Cards, right down to Cage's spotty Loo - seeana accent and Connie Nielsen's bottle - blonde political opportunist wife.
The data displayed in Tables 1 and 2 implies few if any improvements have been made in the democratic quality of any of these six polities over the past decade, with longstanding personalist leaders, imperious ruling parties, and oligarchic political opportunists alike demonstrating their ability to continuously manipulate existing political institutions to impose their mandates over substantive domestic opposition.
In Sean you have some nice, well spoken, political opportunist who thinks by sending out a bunch of ho - hum mailers about his haircuts and college money and filled with repeats of the same accolades from Bill Clinton and boilerplate issue positions followed by a ton of robocalls.
The Governor of Kaduna State, Mallam Nasir el - Rufai, has come under attack fromsome prominent groups in the country for referring to those calling for the restructuring of the nation as political opportunists.
He became a political opportunist, whose aim was simply to remain as president.
What Christians, like you, need to fight against is those political opportunists on the right wing of the political spectrum who are taking our country down the wrong path by inferring that programs that aid the poor are bad, wasteful, and anti-American.
-- favor prayer in public school) «are God's frauds, cafeteria Christians,» «hypocrites,» «Biblical illiterates,» «fundamentalists and political opportunists,» and «Pharisees.»
«Guess you can't blame her for seeing an opportunity in a political opportunist
One of those instinctive perceptions of Khan is that he is a «flip - flopper» and a political opportunist.
JR Romano, chairman of the state Republican Party, said Murphy is a carefully calculated «political opportunist,» eager to climb on the national stage and collect political donations.
Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D., N.Y.) is one of several Senate Democrats jockeying for potential 2020 presidential runs, but her brazen style has received backlash from many fellow Democrats who view her as a political opportunist.
The reason for this is simple — Jay has been a political opportunist since he entered office and isn't viewed as trustworthy or dependable by his fellow legislators,» Mr. Kelly said, referring to Mr. Schneiderman's pet causes: ensuring that countywide sales tax revenue for public safety is distributed evenly to eastern Suffolk, and spreading the burden of housing homeless sex offenders to communities outside his district.
She is a political opportunist and disloyal,» said Hank Sheinkopf, a longtime political strategist who has worked for many New York Democrats.
The guy would sell his mother and is a political opportunist of the first order.
We look forward to telling voters the truth about Eric Schneiderman and exposing him for the power hungry, political opportunist he is and I will fight this ridiculous charge.»
Gov El rufai is the political opportunist.
But the pan-Yoruba socio - political organisations, Afenifere; the umbrella groups for the Igbo, Ohanaeze Ndigbo; and the Ijaw Youth Council, have launched verbal attacks on el - Rufai for referring to those calling for restructuring as political opportunists.
Brian Moran has been the most aggressive of the trio — hammering former Democratic National Committee Chairman Terry McAuliffe as a political opportunist of the first sort.
«Chuck Swanick is a political opportunist and a fiscal nightmare who ran Erie County into the ground,» he continued.
«This quick and forthright dismissal exposed Eric Schneiderman for the power hungry, political opportunist that he is.
«Despite those looking to stop the momentum we have in Cohoes and attempting to downplay the incredible work my administration has accomplished in the past two years, I refuse to dignify news stories that are based upon unnamed sources, political opportunists, rumor and innuendo from thirty years ago,» Morse said.
«This quick and forthright dismissal exposed Eric Schneiderman for the power hungry, political opportunist that he is,» Ortt said in a statement.
«We look forward to telling voters the truth about (Attorney General) Eric Schneiderman and exposing him for the power hungry, political opportunist he is and I will fight this ridiculous charge,» Ortt said in a statement.
Zeldin tried to paint Demos as a political opportunist, noting that he was raised in Manhattan, educated at the exclusive Trinity School and only summered on Shelter Island.
I think the most hilarious part of her career as a political opportunist was when she recently announced that she is going to write a book that details her heart wretching account of having come out as a lesbian.
Former Hillary Clinton campaign spokesperson Karen Finney slammed New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio as a «political opportunist» on Monday for saying Bill Clinton should have resigned the presidency for his affair with Monica Lewinsky.
It should be known that Atiku is a political opportunist and he is only interested in what drives his business and commercial interests.
In a statement, Ortt called Schneiderman a «power hungry, political opportunist» with «his own radical progressive political agenda.»
The Deputy Prime Minister has just given a speech in which he describes last night's 53 Tory rebels as «political opportunists».
(CNN)-- Newt Gingrich is a political opportunist.
First up, The Globe and Mail's Derek DeCloet calls B.C.'s anti-HST advocates an «alliance of knee - jerk populists, political opportunists and the financially clueless.»
What made the transparently absurd «hockey stick» so useful to the political opportunists at the IPCC - its eye - catching cartoon simplicity - has profoundly damaged climate science over the longer term.
If there is a 97 per cent, the real scientists within that number need to clean house and reclaim their science from the hucksters - and not put up with fake polar - bear scares and the political opportunists who peddle them to the world.
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