Sentences with phrase «political problem»

This could lead to an economic downturn and subsequent domestic political problems for the rival.
It's a risky strategy - but keeps the most challenging political problems in a manageable box until then.
One political problem faced by early childhood programs is the long delay before most benefits are realized.
This difference can sometimes cause scientists to create political problems by being overly confident about a possible result they find within the range of their research.
Our current political problems are rooted in the long and messy history of what makes politics, well, politics.
Besides, private schools seem to bring with them other political problems and things uncomfortable to foundations, like religion.
Cutting spending down to a sustainable level will be huge political problem.
Everybody must agree on certain steps that will result in high initial costs and create new political problems.
It's easy for on - demand startups to run into regulatory and political problems during expansion.
And we may be almost completely consumed by particular political problems, spending most of our time looking for solutions to them.
And I've done that, reacting to all the different political problems that come up.
The timing of our arrival could have been better as the country experienced political problems not long after our arrival.
These failures have exposed not only familiar political problems, but deep - rooted human weakness.
Perhaps what we need is a reminder that our current political problems are rooted in the long and messy history of what makes politics, well, politics.
This entails writing off the savings that have been invested in debt - securities — and this has now become the major political problem of our epoch.
I think we need to be getting at that so we can better inform policymakers about what the benefits are of taking some of the big transformational steps that, while economically beneficial, are definitely going to cause political problems as incumbent power producers and others try and defend their turf.
offsets has become a big political problem for the bill.
Simply put, military solutions don't solve political problems, but in case of disaster, the US always has options ready.
These works reveal political problems on both sides of the Berlin Wall, with Delikado portraying Penck throwing red paint on a watchtower and protesters breaking the window of an elite shop in the East, while Immendorff smears the German federal eagle with red paint as a female sculptor chips away at a cornerstone on the wall's Western side.
I think we need to be getting at that so we can better inform policymakers about what the benefits are of taking some of the big transformational steps that whilst they might be economically beneficial are definitely going to cause political problems as incumbent power producers and others try and defend their turf.
The two countries, the established and emerging dominant influences on the global greenhouse, are circling warily right now, trying to figure out what signals each can send to the other indicating seriousness about curbing heat - trapping emissions that would not raise political problems at home.
Your certified holistic health coach training won't help you stop the wars, feed the hungry, dispose dictators, and fix social and political problems around the world.
As was often pointed out in Yes Minister, a review, inquiry or commission is often used by governments as a way of kicking political problems into the long grass.
Mr. Groeneveld is the author of a shelved 2006 report that had the potential to cause major political problems for Premier Redford as the flood waters raged.
I understand that distrust since I wouldn't trust most Labour MPs to think their way through a complex political problem in anbinformed and critical - minded way.
Beyond the immediate fallout in the Trump era, insiders also point to the potential political problems with the ongoing federal grand jury investigation of campaign contributions by contractors to the federal account of the state Democratic Party and its ties to Malloy's 2014 gubernatorial campaign.
However, while Reich used samples from contemporary Native American groups in Canada, Central and Southern America, he had virtually no data from those in the US, because of political problems over the use of samples.
Trump arrived in China while being dogged with political problems back home and facing the lowest approval numbers of his presidency.
Perhaps the heart of the problem is that the legal issue that the Court is called upon to resolve is really only part of a more fundamental political problem.15
Then there's the practical political problem of Chicago's campaign rules: Unlike New York, where de Blasio and his Democratic primary rivals were all working with the same number of dollars, Chicago basically allows unlimited campaign contributions.
Mann's House lines have been more or less highly regarded by the Legislature (especially since she removes multiple thorny political problems including the loss of two seats), but criticized by national Democrats like Nancy Pelosi, the House minority leader.
The Post's Scott Wilson penned a provocative piece over the weekend that cast President Obama's current political problems through the lens of his loner tendencies.
Finally, Quebec was experiencing linguistic / political problems between French and English populations.
I think the «problem» of renewables being subsidised and introduced past the point where it's intermittency becomes an issue misrepresents the complex political problems nuclear has and with RE passing below crucial cost thresholds I expect specific support mechanisms to be scaled back - and yet expect RE will still continue to grow on it's own market competitive merits.
The ministers, meeting in Toronto for two days, discussed tensions with Moscow, Iran and North Korea, while also addressing political problems in Venezuela and Myanmar.
And yet tolling still faces substantial political problems in North America.
On Wednesday, Siemens CEO Joe Kaeser met directly with Russian President Putin and assured him that Siemens will not let temporal political problems upset the solid business relationship that the German conglomerate has developed with Russian technology and medical groups.
While Romania and Bulgaria are EU members, previous political problems have caused Canada to insist that travellers from the two countries need visas to visit.
Reihan Salam points to some of the budgetary and political problems related to denying food and health care subsidies to those who would be getting amnesty.
When we read Aeterni Patris as a whole, we see that Leo framed the revival of Christian philosophy chiefly in the context of the ongoing political problems: «False conclusions concerning divine and human things, which originated in the schools of philosophy, have now crept into all the orders of the State.»
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