Sentences with phrase «political punch»

State of Play succeeds as mainstream entertainment to the point where it hardly makes sense to complain about its pulled political punches.
The Chinese government will regularly use foreign companies as political punching bags, and now that the government has declared «internet sovereignty» as a matter of national security, tech companies are particularly vulnerable to fines, lawsuits, and state - media smear pieces.
The EU is targeting products with political punch, revisiting a list compiled during George W. Bush - era trade disputes of symbolic American brands.
It appeared on Drudge within minutes of appearing on Tapper's blog (Is Drudge THAT regular of a reader of Political Punch?)
He will also express his exasperation that at the point at which the country is facing the «most profound economic challenge in living memory», parliament is being clogged up by issues such as Europe and gay rights «simply because they cause the biggest political punch - ups».
U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara, indignant about the governor's actions last March, picked up the trail of Moreland's aborted investigations and now has landed his biggest New York political punch.
FROM THE FACT CHECK DESK Obama's New Spanish Language TV Ad Es Erróneo by ABC News Political Punch
The President's daughter then went on to throw political punches, accusing the opposition NDC of deliberately tagging her with the scandal as part of attempts to soil the image of her father, the President.
Born to a Jewish family in Leningrad, and working in New York from 1946 until his death, Boris Lurie (1924 — 2008) undertook a savage artistic appraisal of the 20th century that still packs a powerful political punch.
The furor surrounding the net neutrality repeal that took place in December 2017 is continuing to be a strong political punching ground.
The EU is targeting products with political punch.
That lack of political punch is crystal clear now, as the Obama administration, perhaps hoping to help embattled Democrats at the polls next month, has ended its moratorium on offshore oil drilling for companies that, as the news release headline puts it, clear a «higher bar for safety, environmental protection.»
When the film finally builds to its conclusion (of sorts), it hasn't achieved the kind of momentum needed to land a big political punch.
Given the ferocity of the opposition to free trade on Capitol Hill, and the fact that NAFTA was used as a political punching bag throughout the campaign, the odds that lawmakers would approve a tweaked version of the trade deal seem slim.
Huhne chaired the joint press conference, but Warsi delivered the political punch.
Widening a partisan divide The findings could also have political punch.
This is a classic example of genre filmmaking with a political punch, albeit in broad, sloganeering terms.
No film this year packed such an emotional, thematic, and political punch as Steven Spielberg's most mature and complex work to date.
The argument lost some of its political punch when 2009 — 10 enrollment figures revealed that the schools overseen by the OPSB, not the RSD, have the lowest proportion of special needs and behaviorally challenged students.
«We did not engineer the Volt to become a political punching bag.»
The close proximity of such ostentatious wealth makes it all the more refreshing to see Jeremy Deller, the artist chosen to represent Britain at the Biennale, pack such a political punch.
It started when the Drudge Report posted a link to an item on the Political Punch blog by the ABC News correspondent Jake Tapper quoting Mr. Clinton proposing that «we have to slow down our economy» to save the planet from global warming.
Kander quickly came to Planned Parenthood's defense when extremist politicians targeted the care provided to tens of thousands of women Missouri health centers and millions across the country, standing against wrongheaded Congressional efforts to defund Planned Parenthood and decrying politicians who made women's health care a political punching bag.
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