Sentences with phrase «political slogans»

Political slogans are short, catchy phrases that politicians use to communicate their ideas and goals to the public. These slogans are often used during elections or to promote certain political movements. They are designed to capture attention, inspire people, and make it easier for voters to remember and support a particular candidate or cause. Full definition
Besides the oft - repeated claim that state funding requires accountability to the state is an obviously shallow and false political slogan rather than a well - considered policy view.
It's rather just a copy - and - paste of political slogans from «Pravda» newspaper, barely having any linkage to the reality.
Writing for the court, Chief Justice Beverley McLachlin also found that «the [Election] Act does not catch small - scale election advertising» such as homemade window signs, bumper stickers or T - shirts with political slogans on them.
Must be said that «we are the 99 %» is the best political slogan in ages — instantly understandable, perfectly populist.
Great post babe I've been seeing a lot of political slogans during NYFW too!
What would your winning political slogan be?Champagne for my real friends, real pain for my sham friends.
The ex-lawmaker while speaking with newsmen in Damaturu said the call for the restructuring of Nigeria is mere political slogan by politicians seeking relevance ahead of the 2019 election.
AWARD / HONOR Aperture magazine's 2017 «Elements of Style» gala celebrates four artists working at the intersection of «photography, style, and human potential,» including Kwame Braithwaite, the Harlem - based photographer who advanced the positive political slogan «Black Is Beautiful.»
... All the teachers know that these are just political slogans.
Moreover, secular political slogans seem to slide in only too easily.
The reason for his success can be summarised by one of the greatest ever political slogans: «Let's drain the swamp.»
What would your winning political slogan be?WATSON - HOW BAD CAN IT POSSIBLY BE?
Crowds chanting political slogans or a leader's name smacks of hero worship, leadership cults and totalitarian politics.
Only one recent political slogan has velocity today: Bill Clinton's «It's the economy, stupid».
«We launched the «We Should All Be Mirandas» shirt late last year as a comment on luxury political slogan tees,» they wrote in the email.
This is a good answer, but I would add: The phrase «trickle - down economics», even as a simplistic political slogan to refer to a complex set of macroeconomic policies, really only refers to one element of supply - side economics (namely, the Laffer Curve).
46 % think «change» is a meaningless and hackneyed political slogan.
Scavo, whose political slogan has been «helping people,» vows to stay focused.
They aren't labeled as such, and to most observers they appear to be enthusiastic fellow voters, echoing political slogans and amplifying a point of view.
He said:» If our residents and our young people don't have the right skills for the jobs of the future then the Northern Powerhouse will be an empty political slogan.
The U.S. Supreme Court declined last week to hear a student's challenge to a Texas school district's dress code that prohibits most messages, including political slogans, on student shirts.
«What's exciting to me about this moment is the potential opportunity to translate kids first from a catchy political slogan into an operational reality and a legal right for all students in the LAUSD.»
We slept most of the way, huddled together in twos against the bitter cold, opening eyes occasionally to the jagged, green and brown mountains of the Peruvian Andes, the jarring political slogans plastered across adobe houses.
«Instead of just mentioning race or using racially charged political slogans, and just leaving it there like we did with «Aug Lives Matter», these people actually went on and made a strong statement about it,» recounted the designer.
Jake Kent «s «Dropping the A Bomb» and «Hanging out in someone else's puddle» pile political slogans in a heap on the floor.
ASM: Do you think political slogans have eerie ideological parallels to marketing jingles?
Anyone can come in and use the pin - back button maker for your favorite political slogan, or sew a banner, or sip a cup of free coffee and learn how to, say, organize your student workers» union.
Similarly, the video The Landscape Is Changing (2004) documents a protest march in Tirana, Albania, in which the demonstrators carry mirrors in lieu of signs bearing political slogans.
«We are the 99 %,» the ubiquitous political slogan coined in 2012 during the Occupy movement, references the inequitable concentration of wealth among the top earning 1 % in the United States.
It may not be a household word, but by now the Kyoto Protocol has become a well - known political slogan.
Displaying political placards or unveiling political slogans would also prevented.
One Iranian even tweeted his own political slogan: «In the protests you should chant: Citizens, citizens, exchange your money for litecoin.»
He is their representative in the Madrid parliament, where he has carved out a reputation as a rabble rouser, a rock star who marches into the chamber wearing T - shirts with political slogans, confronting the central government with provocative speeches, holding up props - from printers to handcuffs - to bring attention to his cause of the day.
Avoiding Cliff Richard on holiday and banning scienceWhat would your winning political slogan be?
But the «no victor, no vanquished» statement we made was a mere political slogan.
The event celebrated four artists working at the intersection of «photography, style, and human potential, including Braithwaite, the Harlem - based photographer who advanced the positive political slogan «Black Is Beautiful» CT
In March 2016, Warmbier was sentenced to 15 years hard labor after allegedly trying to steal a political slogan from a hotel.
The political slogans were hand - painted; stencils would certainly have made it possible to produce them en masse, but it would have offended the creative imagination of the authors.
Disconcerting those who still cling to the dregs of the Enlightenment, they blazon in Resident Aliens that «any political slogan that does not need God to make itself credible» is suspect.
Thus when its advocates champion the «Judeo - Christian ethic» — or what C. S. Lewis called «the Tao» (the morality common to all cultures)-- they champion an ethic that never existed in reality and now exists only as an ethical abstraction or political slogan.
«In the meantime, cheap political slogans are just that, cheap political slogans.
What would your winning political slogan be?
It is fortunate for him that there is no copyright on political slogans, because he also stole shamelessly from Ronald Reagan.
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