Sentences with phrase «political spending disclosure»

When last December's government funding bill prevented the SEC from «finalizing» a rule regarding the disclosure of political contributions, Warren joined dozens of other Democratic lawmakers to remind White that the bill did not prevent the SEC from at least discussing or developing a rule for political spending disclosure to be finalized at a future time.
«Qualcomm's disclosure policy sets a high standard for transparency in corporate political spending disclosure and the company deserves praise for its actions,» DiNapoli said in a statement.
Sunlight Foundation Releases Seven Recommendations To Update Political Spending Disclosures In Wake Of Citizens United V. FEC
CPA - Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability provides a comprehensive look at how S&P 100 companies are navigating political spending disclosure and board oversight since Citizens United.
On Gov. Andrew Cuomo's side, he's pushing for an aggressive political spending disclosure law that would require reporting within a day a check above $ 500 was received.
Topics include political spending disclosures, executive pay clawback policies, proxy access, board and workplace diversity and environmental risk management.
Vanguard now owns about 5 % of the average publicly traded company in the U.S. And advocacy groups have criticized the fund giant for not using its sway to, say, limit out - of - control CEO pay packages or support corporate political spending disclosures.
After she sent her letter to McNabb, over 65,000 members of Public Citizen, U.S. PIRG, and Common Cause, among others, sent emails to Vanguard asking it to change its voting policy guidelines to vote in favor of political spending disclosure, she says.
In her letter, Warren pressed her call for the SEC to develop a political spending disclosure rule, something she said White has refused to do.
In a letter to Obama, Sen. Elizabeth Warren pressed her call for the SEC to develop a political spending disclosure rule.
«Chair White's refusal to move forward on a political spending disclosure rule serves the narrow interests of powerful executives who would prefer to hide their expenditures of company money to advance their own personal ideologies,» Warren said.
A Vanguard spokesperson wrote me in an email that «We regularly engage with the companies held by our funds and political spending disclosure is one of many topics we evaluate and discuss.
Proposals related to political spending disclosure have not fared much better - only one proposal in that timeframe has received majority support, and in 2016 such proposals averaged only 23 % support from shareholders.
In fact, the Center for Political Accountability, which ranks the top 200 companies in the S&P 500 for their political spending disclosures, recently ranked Aetna number 15 — ahead of all other health insurers.
«Qualcomm's disclosure policy sets a high standard for transparency in corporate political spending disclosure and the company deserves praise for its actions,» DiNapoli stated.
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