Sentences with phrase «political terms»

And it matters in political terms because there are now thousands of teachers and their families who may never vote for the Conservative party again.
In more political terms, we as citizens should not be doing anything to support these extreme leaders economically.
In less political terms, the question is simpler but much more profound.
He probably wasn't thinking in broadly political terms in linking destruction and freedom, but others made the connection.
The political situation we deal with as citizen of a country and speak in political terms.
You may have heard SSAEG described in more political terms as a new $ 1.6 billion ESSA program that consolidates about 50 different federal funding programs into one state block grant.
That's not government regulated socialism; that's self - sacrificing communism (or perhaps the «term» Love is more appropriate... I just like to rile people up by using political terms somethimes).
«As judged on purely political terms, higher Pigovian taxes are a wacky idea.
But «Trickle - Down Economics» is a loaded political term in the first place.
Political terms such as «pantokrator» («all - ruling»), «sovereignty,» and «kingship» dominate western descriptions of God.
Viewing matters in primarily political terms it is natural to favor full employment.
The former ambassador cast his argument for technical assistance to countries like India in essentially political terms.
But she insisted on writing about Pope Francis in narrowly political terms, denouncing him as a «communist.»
Carbon is a much better political term because people associate it with coal and especially soot — clearly dirty and undesirable.
Actually it was Barack Obama who made this particular gaffe - but in British political terms it was the chancellor who was the victim.
In a Prospect essay, Phil Collins reviewed longer history and found that both the Conservatives and Labour are most effective in policy and political terms when they embrace their liberalism, the semi-concealed source of British political success.
You might be interested in this list of political term limits across the world at this Wikipedia link.
The two - year Democratic majority was one of Albany's most embarrassing political terms, which gave Republicans fodder to reclaim the majority in 2010.
Profile: This is central Croydon in political term if not in geographical terms (while it contains the commercial and shopping centre of Croydon, it is really the eastern part of the borough).
Mobile dating app profiles now include political terms, or instructions to «swipe left if you vote for Trump,» or «swipe right if you think Trump's making America great again.»
Mr. Wiley's champions tend to view his work in overt political terms.
At this point I feel that so many political terms have caused rifts in our social fabric, and I tend to look for a common language whenever I can.
Carbon dioxide from human - caused sources stays in the atmosphere for many decades or centuries (in practical political terms this amounts to eternity).
Or, to put the matter in blunt political terms, be careful not to stoke up Eurosceptic UKIP passions by accusing the UKIP lobby of practising xenophobia.
I don't see this as quite as significant in political terms as Google Audio, but it still should be handy for candidates and outside interest groups.
But speaking in purely political terms, the newly rampant NDP could hardly have asked for a better outcome.
«That can be a loaded political term, but we just mean being able to see into different parts of the organization, which turns out to be important,» Mr. Butterfield said.
Rather than «identification» I prefer the more political term «alliance.»
Hoffman's gift is to communicate the gravity of the stakes, in human and moral as well as in political terms, by the mere force of his commitment.
«In political terms it would be completely illogical for 5 - Star to join the most euro fanatic group in the European Parliament,» he said in a statement.
Do you have the imagination, capacity, and the policy independence, to put together a policy agenda that is better both in policy and political terms, than simply rubber - stamping some misguided and out of date 2011 election promises?
This proposal is not just unrealistic, it makes absolutely no sense in economic, social or political terms..
They point to an article that you wrote in March, I think, of 2012 in Policy Options, where you basically said, dirty oil, the tar sands it's called, dirty oil and the future of our country, where you argue that the development of the, as you use the word, tar sands, it's become a political term, by the way, as you know, is basically not necessarily good for the country, in fact it takes jobs away in the manufacturing sector of Ontario.
First there is a tendency, owing perhaps to its MacIntyrean inspiration, to conceive of this «option» primarily in practical or political terms, that is, as a kind of «communitarian» stance within an increasingly hostile public square.
The feeling is mutual if not quite the term, which reflects the liberal tendency to think of these matters fundamentally in political terms.
Worse still — and more to the point of my concern — the translation of the one Word of God into direct social and political terms has meant that the churches neglect the message for which they do have sole responsibility, that which constitutes their specific raison d'etre, and which no other agency in the world is called on or is competent to proclaim: the gospel of Holy Scripture which has the power to make people wise unto salvation through faith in Christ Jesus (2 Timothy 3:15).
The theologians of hope, on the other account, pushed the collective aspects of human life; they analyzed human solidarity in oppression and expressed faith in political terms.
The Puritans liked to invoke that image, but they meant it more in theological than political terms.
While «New Year's Day» reaffirms the commitment made in «Rejoice» to personal change (I... I will begin again), in political terms it appears to adopt the stance that «Blowin» in the Wind» does, that we have a right to expect progressivist Change, but we live in a world that, outrageously, does not deliver it.
Even if NYC representatives were to say «Yes, worship on those dates and cancel school» doesn't it still place the local powers that be over and above their specific worshipping practices, regulating them on their political terms?
While framing justice in political terms is...
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