Sentences with phrase «political theater»

"Political theater" refers to actions or events done by politicians to gain publicity, inspire emotions, or shape public opinion. It often involves calculated performances, speeches, or dramatic acts that are intended to influence political outcomes, rather than focus on real solutions or meaningful change. Full definition
However, the hearings will likely fall into the category of political theater rather than yield concrete results or benefits for consumers.
As our politicians engage in political theater, all of a sudden the market is worried about debt?
So why didn't the governor immediately open public «negotiations» with the legislators, turning the event into political theater that just might have embarrassed Silver into starting real talks?
This is reliance on political theater as opposed to anything with meaningful substance.
Which is all to say that this week will be more about political theater than it will be about political regulation.
The reality of it is that taxes are going up and everything else that's going on is just political theater.
And this is a little political theater and I think that's all people think of it.
I did not want to attend because I knew it was pure political theater designed to exploit an environmental issue.
The little progress being made to repeal them is just absurd political theater.
While these claims may make for good political theater, their effect on recent public policy choices hurts the economy.
In any case, here is some context and some tips on how to take in what's certain to be a fascinating few hours of live - streaming political theater.
The spending cuts were mostly political theater — the debate over cutting either $ 40 or $ 60 billion out of a $ 3.5 trillion budget isn't exactly a substantive one.
I don't think anyone is going to conclude much of anything from that bit of political theater.
These questions are themselves politically theatrical and are about political theater: What you think about them serves as a marker of your place on the political stage.
«It's great political theater on both sides and I'm not look it as a political issue, it's a legal issue,» Cuomo said.
This legislation does not share any data that hasn't already been made publicly available — it's just political theater for politicians looking to pander to powerful special interests.
The episode included an at - times heated bit of political theater between Democratic Sen. Michael Gianaris of Queens and Long Island Sen. Jack Martins.
Absent such an adjudication we are left with climate science played out as political theater in the media and on blogs — with each side claiming the righteousness of their views, while everyone else just sees the peer review process in climate science getting another black eye.
The «Orange Is the New Black» and «The Handmaid's Tale» star discusses the importance of political theater with Theater of War's take on Martin Luther King, Jr..
Political theatrics must be preceded and followed by principled and strategic discussion, but effective political theater raises the stakes and intensifies debate.»
A run against Cuomo «would be irresistible political theater between two masters of strategy and the press» said New York magazine, while a run against de Blasio would allow Bharara to position himself «as the candidate who will drain the city's swamp.»
On the other hand, he'd be torn up for turning the funerals into political theater if he attended, but maybe going to his golf club wasn't the best look.
When reporters asked Governor Cuomo today if he would call on Weiner to drop out of the mayoral race, the governor responded, «This is summer political theater in New York.
If so, I'm not sure shouts of liar, liar, pants on fire will get it done for either, though such behavior does make for compelling political theater.
Here's where political theater bumps into the lives of average New Yorkers.
«Trinket» is a monumental 2008 installation sculpture by Newark - born, Chicago - based artist William Pope.L, 59, that put the disheartening display of media - mad political theater into devastating perspective.
As an outsider looking in, I've regarded this as clownish political theater.
The presidential race of 2016 has been nothing if not grand political theater, with animated town halls, noisy debates, and an attendant media circus.
After Saturday's march, she described it as «political theater lacking in substance» and criticized calls to ban assault weapons.
Nonetheless, it's amusing political theater to watch the President and his fellow politicians dance around and arrange all the smoke and mirrors.
The essays, on everything from Fascist homoeroticism to Nazi political theater, are uneven, often turgidly written, and tend to leave promising suggestions frustratingly undeveloped, but at their best they help provide provisional answers to the three questions posed above.
«The fact that nothing has happened for almost two months can only mean one of two things: either his administration is paralyzed by the various investigations or his commitment was nothing more than political theater from the beginning,» one Albany insider groused.
It's part of a paid political theater effort the National Republican Congressional Committee is launching today in an attempt to tie Hochul — generally well - liked — to Obama, who is very likely to lose the GOP - leaning district in November.
«It was entertaining political theater,» Senate budget chairman Rob Bradley told POLITICO after Lee's outburst.
has derided the Berkeley Earth results as «post-normal political theater» and «incomplete and rushed, non-quality controlled, error riddled» science.
Because much like the revolutionary shock troops who seized the United States embassy on Nov. 4, 1979, and turned the crisis into gripping political theater watched by the entire world — tune in tomorrow when America goes on trial, with the special guest star the Ayatollah Khomeini — the producer knows that historical events alone don't cut it.
NEW YORK — In New York, this summer has lived up to its reputation as the silly season with a pageant of political theater comic enough to entertain even the most jaded tabloid sensibility.
She hadn't seen much of the world, and when she had an opportunity to study overseas she chose to do political theater work in Kenya.
«I think of them almost as audiences to the bizarre political theater we've been witnessing,» he says, suggesting not only the Presidential race but also the many horrifying deaths that ripped through the news last summer, including the Orlando and Nice massacres, and a string of unarmed black men shot by police.
Republicans, however, accused Democrats of putting on political theater at a time when they know the bill has no chance of being approved let alone signed into law by President Bush.
«The Committee is concerned that these efforts to silence speech are based on political theater rather than legal or scientific arguments, and that they run counter to an attorney general's duty to serve «as the guardian of the legal rights of the citizens» and to «assert, protect, and defend the rights of the people.
With how much time he's spent talking about the United States government and its actions, he has no excuse for not understanding when something is going to be nothing but political theater.
The signature events of the past fourteen years of this discussion — Climategate, Gleick's theft of documents, the demonization of Bjorn Lomborg, the publication of political theater disguised as science (Oreskes, Prall, Lewandowsky), the invention of Xtreme Weather, etc., etc., literally do not make sense unless placed in the context of defending a social construct and attacking another.
I wonder if environmentalists are really as pathetic and perpetually grumpy as they always sound, or if that's just some sort of kabuki political theater?
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