Sentences with phrase «political utility»

Perhaps they are cynical and see more political utility to casting this as an unknowable act of barbarity or as part of a larger script about religion being under attack.
In an interview for Huffington Post she described her attitude towards cultural hybridity: «Although cultures do have important political utility, the idea that cultures develop in vacuums is false.
Addressing a more fundamental reality — the naked Moshpit — the inadequacy of the framework — is of far more significance than transient political utility in the longer term.
In Nuclear War, Nuclear Peace, for example, Wieseltier observes that nuclear warheads are not really weapons because they have no political utility.
Yet natural law theory holds that the judgments of good and evil are not (or at least should not be) arbitrary judgments based on convenience or political utility, but are in fact located in the very nature of the behaviors (or behavers) themselves.
He did not have the bravery, or sense the political utility, in arguing for Europe.
What is the political utility to the NDC if the Committees do find even the two Deputy Commissioners guilty as charged?
Enacting site - based management: A political utilities analysis.
«On the Political Utility of Art,» invited panelist, Arte Útil Lab, Queens Museum of Art, New York, April 6, 2013.
Indeed, there is a good argument, whether or not «climate change is happening», that a consensus was sought on climate change precisely because of its political utility, other consensuses in society being so hard to achieve in the current political environment.
And as this blog has argued, the political utility of a scientific consensus was understood before the consensus was formed.
To admit to shades of grey would be to limit the political utility.
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