Sentences with phrase «political witness against»

Martyrdom in the early churches as well as in the contemporary churches has provided signs of a political witness against tyranny and totalitarian dictatorships.

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We know, none so well, how stained is our national record; we know with what envious eyes our own business and military and political Ahabs regard the inheritance of Third World Naboths and take it, if necessary after bearing false witness against Naboth.
Himmelfarb is especially strong on religion as the first of our political in stitutions (Tocqueville), and be lieves that we are currently witnessing a Great Awakening that, while it may not prevail as a counterrevolution against the elite cultural revolutions of this century, can provide a «modest reformation» that contains and tempers their excesses.
One of the predetermining factors in the witness of John Paul II against the secular materialism of the Western world was his personal experience of resistance to another kind of materialism, and to the political culture that came with it, in what was then called Eastern Europe — now a thing of the past.
The prophetic movement was the political resistance against all despotic or imperial rule, and it was the witness to the Sovereignty of God and its political expression, that is, the restoration of the covenant community.
All of us must give witness to the sanctity of human life, not merely by personally refraining from abortion and euthanasia, but by working in various spheres — including the political sphere — to overcome these «crimes against life» and create a new «culture of life.»
Thou shalt not bear false witness against thine constituents, thine press outlets, or thine political opponents.
The embarrassment of seeing their star witness in the trial against Percoco put behind bars for violating his cooperation deal with prosecutors could be another black eye for former crusading Manhattan U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara's legacy, legal and political sources say.
We wonder how a mission to serve as witness to a case turned to political protest against the governor.
Lawyers for G. Steven Pigeon are demanding that state prosecutors reveal the identify of a secret witness who has negotiated a plea agreement with federal authorities in the bribery and extortion case filed against the political operative.
The embarrassment of seeing their star witness in the trial against former long - time Gov. Cuomo aide Joseph Percoco put behind bars for violating his cooperation deal with prosecutors could be another black eye for former crusading Manhattan U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara's legacy, legal and political sources say.
She investigated tortures, rapes, political assassinations and massacres; interviewed hundreds of victims, witnesses and alleged criminals; and coordinated lawyers» and victims» efforts to build cases against their persecutors.
The idea seems so old, almost of ancient times, and we so badly wish it was, yet alas, when we still witness misogynistic comments on a daily basis, when men continue to objectify women, even blatantly in the public, political sphere, and when women sometimes still fail to support each other against these behaviors, Minter's work serves as a voice that sheds light on these serious social issues that our world must face.
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