Sentences with phrase «politically suicidal»

Many American politicians have considered endorsing a carbon tax politically suicidal; among the few who publicly support the concept are Senator Christopher J. Dodd, a Connecticut Democrat and presidential candidate who has called for a corporate carbon tax, and former Vice President Al Gore, who won the Nobel Peace Prize last month for his work on climate change.
New energy taxes, even of the rebate kind, will be politically suicidal, and will be topic A on far right talk radio and Fox as soon as they're floated.
But instead of cutting expenditures and raising taxes, which is politically suicidal, governments seem to be inducing inflation to make debt easier to repay.
Do we think GB cares if using the Parliament Act would be politically suicidal?
Ministers have told Gordon Brown that when the proposal comes to the Lords - probably next Monday - it faces defeat by a three figure margin.They have also warned him that to use the Parliament Act to drive the bill through would be politically suicidal.
That would be politically suicidal.
We have made it clear that the step taken by the NPP is wayward and politically suicidal.
He doesn't have to appear - he's not a UK citizen - but to refuse would be politically suicidal.
So I tend to discount the idea of the «Lib - Lab» pact so fondly fantasised about around here, as it would be politically suicidal for the Liberal Democrats («we're a new direction... oh hang on, we're supporting the very unpopular previous government»)
«It would be politically suicidal for us to do a mea culpa and hang our neck out in a way that disadvantages the industry here,» Ghosh said.
Bannonism is politically suicidal medium - to - long - term.

Not exact matches

A massive public information effort (that penetrates deeply into all regions of the county, across all political ideologies, all levels of education and especially into pop - culture) is the only way that politicians will have the popular support necessary to move forward on the politically - suicidal policies of enforcing sacrifices to the existing standard of living.
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