Sentences with phrase «politician in the worst way»

This is the true politician in the worst way — someone who is willing to destroy his environment for his own selfish reasons.

Not exact matches

but if they are uncomfortable with you in any way, or if they are greedy, they will avoid jesus» words and go to find other nonsense in that book of theirs that was written by some of the worst politicians and lawyers in history — the bible.
In many eerie ways, this echoes the devolution of Adolf Hitler, although he began as a politician, then became his own amateur general (and a stubborn, unteachable one, and therefore a bad one); and then, pretty much skipping the whole serpent phase, he ended up as a spent, pathetic, vegetarian toad.
I am still waiting for someone, anyone, to explain why taxing pasties in the way other hot foods are taxed is a bad thing, which seems to be the level of debate which politicians think the public understand.»
For better or worse, we pick professional politicians in pretty much the same way we pick friends from elementary school on — whether we think we «click» with them or not.
This is first time since the early 1970's I've seen a politician calling for destructive transformation of social norms and environmental laws to directly impact millions of lives - in a bad way.
This shows that there is only one way that the politicians in the UK can respond to the perception of a crisis; they have to make it worse, and worse, and worse, and promise that they are the only party that can hope to solve this terrible mess, and that the other parties are so incompetent, that only a terrible catastrophe can follow their inevitable failure.
Through persistent bad - mouthing, lies, exaggerations, overlooking positives, and drum - beating negatives, they manipulate their children to reject the other parent in the same way a politician paints a unfavorable picture to alienate voters from the opponent.
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