Sentences with phrase «politicization of science»

The recent politicization of science by the current administration has made this even worse.
It isn't our opinion that many scientists are worried about the current politicization of science, just as it isn't our opinion that few scientists have spoken out in Bush's favor.
Where most scientists dispassionate review of the facts has moved past acknowledgement to mitigation strategies, ExxonMobil's contribution the overall politicization of science has merely bolstered the views of U.S. government officials satisfied to do nothing.
Whether you want to understand what is happening (e.g. why politicization of science takes place) and whether you want to use that for your advantage or not is up to you.
In this age of politicization of science and activist scientists, the Brussel Declaration offers some very good advice and deserves to be widely read and discussed.
Also, what he is doing is working against the politicization of science, not contributing to it.
My question was prompted by this editorial in science arguing that the politicization of science has led the public to oppose it.
Since joining Science in 2005 he has covered patent policy, science budgets, cabinet officials and the politicization of science.
Scientists can be hindered in their communication efforts with Evangelicals by inadequate religious training or awareness, an overreliance on media stereotypes about Evangelicals, and the politicization of science.
None of them was more active than the Union of Concerned Scientists, which produced its first report on «the politicization of science» in 2004 and which helped make scientific integrity an issue during the 2008 presidential campaign.
This is the politicization of science that scientists are concerned about.
5 David Deming (2005) «Global Warming, the Politicization of Science, and Michael Crichton's State of Fear.»
It never occured to us it might be necessary to explicitly point out the difference between «the politicization of the science», which is obviously something we talk about quite frequently here at RC, and the «political implications of the science» (i.e., whether or not the Kyoto Accord should be ratified), which is something we obviously don't.
This mismatch is what I have argued is a factor that contributes to the politicization of science.
You support a politician launching an investigation into scientists» work after saying you are concerned about the politicization of the science and that you «don't know where to start to ameliorate the politicization.
Once the pressure for a consensus disappears, the politicization of the science can disappear along with it.
But the cracks are widening and the monument to the politicization of science may soon come crashing down.
by Judith Curry In this age of politicization of science and activist scientists, the Brussel Declaration offers some very good advice and deserves to be widely read and discussed.
scientists disagree about the causes of climate change for the following reasons: Insufficient observational evidence Disagreement about the value of different classes of evidence (e.g. models) Disagreement about the appropriate logical framework for linking and assessing the evidence Assessments of areas of ambiguity and ignorance Belief polarization as a result of politicization of the science.
I find that particularly notable since Judith's goal is to ameliorate the politicization of the science and the influence of scientist - «activists»... and despite being a smart and knowledgeable person, she thinks that she's doing so by contributing vague and unspecific rhetoric (such as that I highlighted) to a hearing on behest of someone running for president,.
To the contrary, the politicization of the science and the socio - political construction of scientific consensus in the climate area render any attempt to rule impartially on the key scientific disputes futile and suspect.
Keywords: climate change litigation, climate policy, international law, separation of powers, role of judiciary, judicial authority, rule of law, political question doctrine, science and law, politicization of science, scientific consensus, scientism, science - based risk regulation
Global Warming, the Politicization of Science, and Michael Crichton's State of Fear «Abstract - Michael Crichton's book State of Fear addresses the politicization of science, in particular the topics of climate change and global warming, through the vehicle of a novel.
Although the British papers are having a field day with the recent revelations, our mainstream media - still engaging, one could say, in the politicization of science - have largely ignored them or relegated them to back pages.
The politicization of science is a threat to the process of free inquiry necessary for human progress.»
Consistent with Gauchat's interpretation... my view is that the beginning of the trend is congruent and contemporaneous with the politicization of science more generally, which was concurrent with the growth of the religious right and increased focus on «drowning government in a bathtub,» and a growth in the «those librul pinkos in academia are brainwashing our youth.»
I offer the issue (Search for 19:2) 19:2 1) Balls of Light: The Questionable Science of Crop Circles pdf 2) Children of Myanmar Who Behave like Japanese Soldiers: A Possible Third Element in Personality pdf 3) Challenging the Paradigm pdf 4) The PEAR Proposition pdf 5) Global Warming, the Politicization of Science, and Michael Crichton's State of Fear pdf So, let us examine the rich veins of data to be mined in just this one issue.
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