Sentences with phrase «polluting our air so»

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Given that we are rich when the world is poor, that we cling to our nuclear arms as if world extermination were a noble risk, destroy ancient forests, gouge the landscape, pollute the soil, water and air, that we copulate and abort with unrestrained abandon — how then are we to interpret Jesus» words, «It is what comes out of a person that defiles,» so as to come up smelling like roses?
Some might think Podhoretz was unfortunate in his friends and others might think his friends were unfortunate in him, but he is grateful for the contentious entanglement of friendships and ideas that has brought him to where he is as one who intends to challenge «the regnant leftist culture that pollutes the spiritual and cultural air we all breathe, and to do so with all my heart and all my soul and all my might.»
After the unsuspecting new member said yes, Joshua would have followed with, «So when you buy your next car, will you resist all the commercial hype that encourages you to overspend on something that eats up resources and pollutes the air
When the air becomes polluted so as to increase asthma, the increased costs of treating asthma adds to personal consumption.
I love the fresh air of the dawn when it isn't so polluted and noisy yet.
Indoor air is usually more polluted than outdoor air, so you can often make a big difference just by opening the windows.
«The environmental impact of prescribed burns has historically been based on data from clean fuels in areas of good air quality, so we have likely been under - predicting the impact of biomass emissions in polluted areas,» Asa - Awuku said.
«But they also tend to have less stringent environmental protections and denser populations, so consumer savings, corporate profits and economic development based on trade are costing the lives of people who have to breathe polluted air
Odors are consumed by microorganisms, so that the more polluted the air, there will be more food for the bacteria without incurring any cost,» said Uribe Lobo.
Damm, this GODDAMM air is so polluted that my eyes start to make water run down from them, what a great story, only someone that has put their headphones on, know's how it (story) feels....
While it's true that our air, water and food are polluted to a certain level and we ingest toxic chemicals on a daily basis, our bodies are naturally well equipped for dealing with such issues and rarely need our help in doing so.
So polluted air damages our respiratory tissues and also makes the environment in which we live more likely to induce allergy.
I know that indoor air is so polluted too though.
Indoor air can be five times as polluted as outdoor air, so open the windows whenever the weather — and your AC or heating budget — permit.
Take a vacation If you live in a polluted city, you may want to plan a vacation after a hospital procedure so that you can recover in a location with healthier air.
But individual actions can only go so far, and the new research provides an accounting of the costs policymakers should consider when tackling air pollution from the closing of heavy polluting power plants to policies designed to mitigate traffic.
The overcast skies and ominous clouds evoke not so much some picturesque, romantic transcendence as the polluted air of wrongdoing that looms over a people who have had to go about their daily lives through decades of political upheaval, moral corruption, and economic stagnation, crushed beneath a burden of guilt, humiliation and worn out pride.
For example, many of my students live in poor, heavily polluted areas, so when we study intermolecular properties and precipitation reactions, we examine the air and water quality in their neighborhoods.
Perhaps Matheson has been inside the Washington Beltway so long that he hasn't smelled the stench, the killing stench, of some of the worst - polluted air in the United States: from Provo to Salt Lake to Ogden to Logan.
Pellet stoves can be a greener alternative to traditional wood stoves and fireplaces: «Pellet stoves pollute so little that they don't require certification from the EPA, they create no creosote (chimney fire fodder), and fall well within clean air standards.
The river may be so polluted that you can't let your dog swim in it; the park may be littered with garbage after a weekend or holiday, but for Tel Avivians, Park Hayarkon is their Central Park and a breath of fresh air from the cement and chaos of
I just got done writing about a new report from the American Lung Association that revealed that just over 50 % of Americans live in places where the air is so polluted that it's often unhealthy to breathe.
China is a communist dictatorship of USSR style power - seekers and power - holders (for them and their children) and the people of China, most of them salt of the Earth people, are brainwashed, mindcontrolled robots of the Chinese Communist Party, and they are afraid to speak out, they are afraid to ask for change, they are afraid to do anything but work hard for the «motherland», shop for consumer gadgets with their nouveau - riche yuan, and think along very narrow nationalistic lines (remember Hainan Island shoot down and breaking the windows of the US Embassy in Beijing), so we are dealing with an abnormal country, a very messed up brainwashed mindcontrolled bunch of people, who want nothing more than to become rich and prosperous and powerful and world domination country — and if some people die along the way from poisoned rivers, SARS, bird flu, polluted air, tainted food or poisonous toys THEY DO NOT CARE ONE IOTA.
It would seem most of this radiation, some 8 % of the total, will only penetrate a hundred metres or so of CO2 «polluted» air.
So, for each person who might die from global warming, about 210 people die from health problems that result from a lack of clean water and sanitation, from breathing smoke generated by burning dirty fuels (such as dried animal dung) indoors, and from breathing polluted air outdoors.
The air may be too clean for the Trump Administration so they want to bring back coal, seen as the dirtiest and most polluting fossil fuel.
Even so, our region continues to be dominated by expensive, dirty fossil plants that burn coal and gas — harming our health and polluting our air and water, as we watch the clean energy economy pass us by.
The fifteen members of Congress in «Polluting Democracy» consistently vote against cleaning up coal pollution so we can breathe clean air.
Cycling involves no carbon dioxide emission and hazardous gases that pollute the air and consequently water and soil, so if you switch from a car to a bike, you can claim the bragging rights as an environmental activist too — and eco-friendly is an always cool label to have in a green crowd.
Imagine air so polluted that face masks were essential, flights were delayed, traffic and shipping were disrupted, and school and factories were closed.
The air in China's capital has been so polluted for the last five days that residents are engaging in «smog avoidance» travel.
In some cities the air is so polluted that breathing is equivalent to smoking two packs of cigarettes a day.
The dress, called «8,» is equipped with an oxygen tank that pumps in purified air, so the wearer no longer has to fret about whether the surrounding, polluted air is going to give her a heart attack.
External or indirect costs that are not paid, such as treating illness from breathing the air polluted by planes, the costs of climate change, and so forth, add nearly $ 7 billion to the tab.
Thus, adults who use such substances near buildings occupied by children or adults have a duty to exercise reasonable care to ensure that spraying is not done so close to a structure that fumes are likely to pollute indoor air.
The air quality while cooking is so much better since gas does give of harmfull gas molucules while cooking, polluting indoor air.
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