Sentences with phrase «pollution caused»

Injury or property damage resulting from pollution caused by your company's operations, activities, employees or product
But very careful statutory language would be needed to impose on a company innocent of any polluting activity a liability to pay for works to remedy pollution caused by others to land it had never owned or had any interest in.
It is being reported in the news that yesterday, the Quebec Court of Appeal overturned a decision rendered by the Superior Court of Quebec refusing to authorize a class action filed by three residents of a suburb of Quebec City against the Quebec Minister of Transport due to the alleged noise pollution caused by the nearby A-73 highway (see a French article in La Presse).
The same goes for the air pollution caused by burning coal.
3.8 million people a year die prematurely from illness attributable to the household air pollution caused by the inefficient use of solid fuels and kerosene for cooking.
The City of Richmond in California's Bay Area is already burdened by intense pollution caused by the fossil fuel industry.
A growing number of the city's workers are opting to walk to work to avoid the daily traffic scramble and to cut air pollution caused by vehicle emissions.
The mayor told Mississauga city council she opposes them for three reasons: the pollution caused by idling; traffic problems, particularly during rush hour when lineups spill into turning lanes; and the routine violation of a city bylaw that prohibits idling for more than three minutes.
Conserving water is obviously important for droughts and water shortages, but they can also extend the life of your septic system, reduce soil saturation, and reduce pollution caused by leakage.
The dwarf seahorse, which resides in seagrass located throughout the Gulf of Mexico, Florida and the Caribbean, is threatened with extinction from pollution caused by the Gulf oil spill disaster.
And the more prosaic reduction in soot pollution caused by the partial substitution of gas for coal matters a lot, given that, while climate change gets the headlines, coal causes an estimated 6,000 to 10,000 deaths per year in America today.
I've always maintained that if we can't afford to pay for the pollution caused by flying, both personally, corporately, or nationally, then we can't afford to fly at all.
But there is one area that most schools have overlooked completely, and that is the air pollution caused by idling school buses and other vehicles.
It's called «Dust to Dust» and it tracks the energy used in creating, operating, and scrapping numerous different types of cars, even taking into account the different amounts and types of pollution caused by production in different countries (including whether factory workers are likely to commute via public transportation).
The greenhouse gas pollution of coal - fired power plants is another huge cost that is not factored into the price of electricity (even though 50 % of our power in the US comes from coal), and the same goes for the air pollution caused by the burning of petroleum.
Environmental Defense helped Yahoo! with the ratings, which include smog and greenhouse gas - related emissions, fuel type & fuel efficiency and the pollution caused from manufacturing.
In an effort to address global warming, the bike program endorses the provision of transportation choices to reduce air pollution caused by automobile trips.
The letter to the Environmental Protection Agency from Attorney General Scott Pruitt of Oklahoma carried a blunt accusation: Federal regulators were grossly overestimating the amount of air pollution caused by energy companies drilling new natural gas wells in his state.
This topic is about the ozone pollution caused by using ethanol as fuel.
And we aren't even getting into the extra pollution caused by driving faster in a gasoline car.
He said that from this it is clear that the oceans are declining rapidly due to three reasons — global warming, pollution caused by runoff from agriculture fields, and Arcatic sea ice loss.
«Granted, the acoustic pollution caused by sonar — particularly powerful navy systems — is greater than that from wind turbines.
But every year a new group of at least 34,000 people die and hundreds of thousands of other people get sick from pollution caused by burning coal in America.
Air pollution caused by the use of fossil fuels is also separately contributing to the deaths of at least 4.5 m people a year, the report found.
Jeff Horowitz: As co-producer of the deforestation segment referred to as «The Last Stand» (airing in episodes # 1 and # 2), my job was to work in partnership with Solly Granatstein, an amazing, Emmy award - winning director / producer to create the narrative arc that took the viewer from the global problem of the pollution caused by burning forests, to the political challenges faced by many rainforest nations as they try to regulate this practice, and back to the U.S. for a look at how consumer buying patterns can impact the way forests are protected.
However, any pollution attributable to OSW installations pales in comparison to pollution caused by incidents like the Exxon Valdez and Deepwater Horizon spills.
Indigenous peoples of the Arctic are among the first that are being forced to relocate entire villages and whose food security is threatened by not only the negative impacts of climate change but by the pollution caused by oil, natural gas spills, and mining operations in our critical ecosystems.
Well, carbon pollution caused by burning fossil fuels is a key cause of the climate crisis — and without action, they'll be free to drill, extract, frack, refine, transport, and burn oil as much as they want.
Renco, a U.S. company, has repeatedly failed to meet its contractual and legal deadlines to clean up the pollution caused by its metallic smelter at La Oroya.
Ignore the intense pollution caused by coal combustion in China because it doesn't fit into your agenda.
Immediately, there would be a massive reduction in air pollution caused by automobiles (the largest source of man made air pollution).
Because solar water heating can reduce the electricity or fuel used to heat water by 50 % or more, the pollution caused by water heating is reduced by the same amount.
This is an important contribution to the mitigation of environmental pollution caused by coal mine methane.
Air pollution caused by fumes from the hundreds of thousands of vehicles on our roads is one of the big killers of the modern age, especially in cities, and is, along with climate change, a serious threat to the future of the planet.
The big joke is that three years ago the Guardian published several articles about the real problem facing the Maldives — pollution caused by the immense influx of tourists to this island paradise.
Waxman and Whitehouse also address the State Department's assumption that the carbon pollution caused by the Keystone XL pipeline would be a drop in the bucket of all greenhouse gas emissions:
Times News Network: The National Green Tribunalhas directed the agriculture ministry to hold a meeting with Punjab, Haryana, UP and Delhi to prepare «composite» guidelines to prevent pollution caused by straw burning.
The World Health Organization estimates that millions die each year just from air pollution caused by the use of pre-modern energy sources in people's homes, such as open fires for cooking or heating.
Ocean noise pollution caused by shipping, oil and gas development, and other human activities is making...
Dolores shares how air pollution caused by a nearby coal power plant is affecting her daughter's asthma.
According to the World Health Organization, about 1.3 million people per year, most of them women and children, die because of the pollution caused by indoor biomass stoves.
Increased pollution caused by shipping traffic and oil and gas production has significant implications for the Arctic atmosphere, and could have an impact on climate change itself.
And here are just a few other «side effects» of mining on public lands in the West: cyanide spills; wildlife habitat destruction and fish kills caused by poisoned waters; and water pollution caused by acid mine drainage, which leaches potentially toxic heavy metals like lead, copper, and zinc from rocks.
The reasons for the declines remain speculative but vegetation succession, climatic fluctuations, predation by native and exotic species, competition from other frog species, and water pollution caused by pesticides and / or other chemicals associated with agriculture are possibly significant (Harding 1997, Lannoo 1998, Hammerson 1999, Hammerson and Livo 1999).
Bauer, S.E., K. Tsigaridis, and R.L. Miller, 2016: Significant atmospheric aerosol pollution caused by world food cultivation.
In the 1960s and 1970s, it became the mantra of the environmental movement; the pollution caused by human beings, it was argued, was upsetting the planet's natural balance.
With a rapidly changing climate, warmer weather, more intense rainfall, and pollution caused by human activity, we are perpetuating optimal conditions for harmful algal blooms.
In March this year, the World Health Organization (WHO) released a report estimating that air pollution caused the premature deaths of seven million people in 2012, equivalent to one in eight of all deaths that year and double the previous estimate.
The American Lung Association supports measures to significantly reduce the air pollution caused by cars, trucks, and other mobile sources.
After discussing the «carbon monoxide, methanol, toluene, and volatile organic compounds» emitted by ethanol plants, the article addressed the issue of pollution caused by corn farming:
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