Sentences with word «pontification»

The National Post, Montreal Gazette and Toronto Star also had pretty extensive coverage, with much pontification on the reasons why:
Pontification of lifestyle — Do you only eat certain foods, shop at certain stores or drink certain tea?
Everybody please knock it off with the off topic pontifications about crop yields and stick to the topic of this article.
The pages of Foreign Affairs are littered with pontifications by top - notch scholars such as Robert Jervis, John Ruggie, and Vali Nasr, who moonlight as governmental consultants, as well as by respected academics such as Stephen Krasner, Francis Fukuyama, and Joseph Nye, who have all experienced stints in public service.
And to add to the confusion, Wills claims to admire two Catholics above all others: St. Augustine and Cardinal Newman, even though Wills» own pontifications on sex differ entirely from Augustine's views, and his lucubrations on development bear no resemblance to Newman's own painstaking historical analysis, which would point out to Wills that false doctrines can not be said to «develop.»
Billed as a book to build bridges across our cultural divides, it is in reality a one - way conduit for self - serving pontifications.
Scientific jargon has the remarkable ability to turn just about anything into pseudo-academic pontification.
It's important I write my posts from experience and not from pontification.
The diagonal of David's Z - Theory, it seems to me, represents pontification — bridging the relationship between divine and secular, eternal and temporal, all - at - once and sequence, god and man: Jesus, Paraklete, Comforter, Counselor, Idios Daemon, Trickster, Fool.
Jesus, who certainly could have filled volumes, favored riddles to lectures, metaphors to propositions, everyday language, images, and humor to stiff religious pontification.
His «boldness», rather than grounded in his presumptuous pontifications, will be grounded more in the certainty of a profound...
But while the AKBs (no such thing btw but I will stick to the accepted labelling for now) are generally grounded in the real world the AOBs have a capacity to veer toward astounding self - importance, grandiose pontification and astonishing delusional tendencies — I am sure psychiatrists will have a syndrome to describe this mental state.
His long absence from the scene, expectedly, had created shades of opinions, legal, moral and subjective pontifications in public discourse.
We seem to value purity, intelligence, and pontification over informed action.
But the directors also raise social explanations — asking if in a time of cable - news blather and social - media pontification, the cinema establishment is reacting in kind.
It's a meaningless pontification, no matter how eloquently delivered.
Wooly intellectual pontifications — on the NHS, artificial insemination, Denis Thatcher — spurt randomly forth from characters» mouths only to dribble away to nothing or be sliced down to size by one of Clarkson's endless fund of hacky put downs.
Monahan's script adapts the story of James Toback, whose actual gambling exploits first inspired the 1974 film; only in this 2014 version, the character drama is saddled with an attempt at greater depth, with Monahan relying on lengthy explanations and pontifications where the original film preferred action and implication to convey its deeper themes and ideas.
The series takes dead aim at the gimmicks and cliches of this genre in the»80s: the bad buddy banter, the bickering boss, the slow - motion action scenes, the overheated dialogue, the tough - talking pontification.
Jeff Daniels, reprising his Lt. Col. Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain role sans handlebar moustache, is given a few deadening Foghorn Leghorn pontifications (the worst coming in an embarrassing scene with «Didn't you used to be» Mira Sorvino) that only underscore the extent to which the North is a bit player in this conflagration.
These man - on - the - street pontifications, which were represented as random, expressed support for Kerry, Gregoire, and I - 884, while showing disdain for public charter schools and incumbent schools superintendent Terry Bergeson.
We've had «think tanks» and endless pontification about how to turn the clock back, how to retain control how to go on with making the Hugo awards a rapidly dying valueless pat on the back for the «in» literary clique.
Snarky and supercilious pontifications seem to be a fantastic way to ensure knowledge - seeking writers will look elsewhere for expertise.
There is enough pontification to fill an entire book on this subject, however, I simply revert to my earlier statement about the nature and motivation of self - preservation.
Not content to make Destiny gamers just feel unloved by shoddy exclusives and tone - deaf pontifications, Activision had to take it one step further because what tale of AAA gaming woe would be complete without a fucking dire corporate tie - in.
A wealth of pontifications await you, the fair reader, so let's not waste any more time!
He regards public architecture, language, consumerism, and artificial borders as harbingers of estrangement between people but eschews moral pontification and instead finds simple moral and cultural principles that connect us.
Just to pre-empt some further pontification presuming that I know nothing about these mysteries, I'm posting up some notes that I wrote in 2004 on standardization — which was what I would have been working on had people just -LSB-...]
The point being, however, that the various pontifications by Howarth, Ingraffea, etc. (of course) may not represent everyone associated with Cornell, some of whom likely just cringe.
«Its ten pages of text are filled with gems of junk science, which are summed up in this ridiculous pontification: «Long - term changes in climate will produce more extreme weather events and put greater stress on critical Earth systems like oceans, freshwater, and biodiversity.
When I was on vacation last month, our dear REM editor promised you my return with «wise real estate related statistical pontifications,» so here it goes:
It is the CREAcrats who do not benefit their employers» interests, as they should, ideally as the direct result of learning from real, boots - on - the - ground experiences, but who, on the contrary, benefit themselves from butts - in - the - saddles pontifications looking for new ways to «control» the uncontrollable, as all socialistic levellers, propped up with taxpayer / Realtor dollars, are wont to do.
From a lack of visible mentors and role models to underrepresentation in startup communities and pontification about including more women in tech, without much action, the challenges that women face in the tech field are well - known.
People aren't interested in self - serving pontification; they're looking for resources to enhance their lives.
Everything Sam writes is based on first - hand experience because money is too important to be left up to pontification.
Every single post was written based on first - hand experience because money is too important to be left up to pontification.
All your pontification and posturing is meaningless, because it takes very little effort to point out exactly how clueless you really are.
rusty A summary of the Dalecarlian Horse / Dalhast tactics... Make a statement / pontification.
It's all in their decrees, pontifications, rules, advisories, catechisms and all the rest of it.
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