Sentences with phrase «pool of liquid»

I recall reading an article where a team of Japanese Scientists found a pool of liquid CO2 in the deep ocean.
In Real f / x Mirage Zone ™ commodities hover above the surface, caught in a pool of liquid in the landscape.
► After a man follows a woman into a dark room we see him walking into what looks like a pool of liquid and then disappears under the surface; we see the man floating under the surface and we see another man whose flesh is bloated and loose, the second man reaches for the other man and touches his hand before he pops and his flesh (it looks like a snake skin) billows in the liquid.
Because of their high protein content, cheese curds don't melt into a pool of liquid when they hit boiling oil.
And if you're surprised to learn that there could be a vast pool of liquid water under two miles of ice, so were the Soviets.
As the two sides begin to melt, a small pool of liquid collects on each surface and as they are brought closer together, the surface tension of the pools connect to form an hour - glass - shaped band of molten material between the seed and feed sides.
While the invention might bring to mind the film Terminator 2, in which the title character morphs out of a pool of liquid metal, the creation of 3D shapes is still some way off.
Some of the melted rock splashed over the crater's rim, forming a fiery pool of liquid 17 kilometres across just outside the crater's northwest rim.
Stir the glossy chips to get a smooth pool of liquid chocolate.
I baked them anyway (measured by the large end of a melon baller) after 15 min freezer time (after which there was a pool of liquid in bottom of bowl (oil, egg?)-RRB-.
The pool of liquid gold to meet that need has been severely depleted.
Also, like someone above, I get pools of liquid butter as it bakes, but no worries, they taste wonderful!
Although the planet's size implies that it is a ball of hydrogen and helium gas incapable of supporting pools of liquid water, the finding raises the possibility that additional, earthlike planets might be discovered around it.
At present, the surface of the planet Mars is too cold and has too little atmospheric pressure to permit the pooling of liquid water on its surface.
If an upper floor is too shallow to contain litter, then it is a good idea to have drainage holes to prevent the pooling of liquids.
These latest paintings were begun outdoors by pouring large amounts of a solvent onto canvas and immediately spraying metallic silver paint into the flowing pools of liquid.
A paintbrush attached to the playing arm lightly touches the black surface, dragging through the drips and narrow pools of liquid acrylic that the artist then squeezes onto the moving record, in various vivid hues.
These alchemical qualities of the glass reflect the movement of the viewer like recently frozen pools of liquid formed into lozenges, as the work vibrates between states of being.
But a talk at the AGU Chapman Conference today by palaeoclimatologist Lowell Stott of the University of Southern California suggests a radically different reservoir: pools of liquid carbon dioxide trapped in seafloor hydrothermal vents.

Not exact matches

It takes a lot of practice to get the angle just right, and that can be daunting for those who are just dipping their toes in the liquid liner pool.
Lastly, the GC may not be fully convinced of the interest of adding corporate bonds to the pool of eligible purchases given the lack of homogeneous and liquid markets across countries, although one idea that has been floated would be to use ETFs.
At present 5,900 tons of high - level waste (HLW) in the form of spent fuel assemblies are sitting in pools next to operating reactors, together with 75 million gallons of radioactive liquid waste, plus 27 million cubic feet of trans - uranic waste (TRU).
I added a tsp of coconut four to the batch to keep liquid from pooling at the base of the macaroons.
When I came back at 22 a clear liquid was pooling on top of the cake.
It released a lot of liquid (water) during baking that pooled on the baking sheet.
Sprinkle with a little coarse sea salt (not too much, or you'll end up with a lot of liquid pooling under your salad) and drizzle with rice vinegar and a bit of toasted sesame oil, if desired.
Scootch the meat and vegetables to one side, and let the liquid pool on the cleared side (or, add a glug of oil to the cleared side).
When you pull the pan from the oven, you will see that the strawberries have cooked down, and that they're floating in a pool of red liquid.
The new standard litre will be measured with constituent contents of 4.0 % butterfat and 3.3 % protein and will combine a flat manufacturing price paid to the Lake District and Haverfordwest and a liquid price paid to its Scottish Mainland and Midlands and East Wales pools.
Plus, any liquid you pour in will end up separating from the eggs once the mixture hits the heat, leaving you with a pool of yellowish liquid oozing out from your rubbery curds.
I was a bit worried when I looked inside the oven near the end of the baking time (I was baking them from frozen and had made them half - size, so I kept a close eye) and saw liquid butter pooling all over the pan, but when I pulled them out, the scones seemed to slurp it back up.
Notice if liquid pools at the lip / rim of the bottle and doesn't easily leave the nipple.
If only we weren't so bone dry, if only we were on our way back from the pool then no one would notice the puddle of liquid amassing underneath a dry mommy and her happy little girl.
A problem with the liquid chlorine used in Chicago Park District swimming pools has forced the district to close many of the facilities temporarily so they can be partly drained, officials said.
A bottle in bed may be soothing, but all that liquid pools in your little one's mouth once she's asleep, boosting the likelihood of both cavities and ear infections.
When Hermsen wants to treat her own two children to the same kind of liquid joy this summer, she will have to do it at the community pool in Lake Bluff.
You should never put your baby to bed with a cup of juice or milk, because the liquids will «pool» around his teeth, causing dental decay.
There could be pools of cold water, perhaps partly covered by ice but kept liquid by hot rocks.
This heating ought to be weak, but some unknown process seems to be amplifying it, possibly enough to melt a deep ocean of liquid water on Enceladus, or maybe only enough to form smaller pools of water within the moon's icy shell.
If these were oriented vertically in a pool of water, light striking the liquid from any angle would refract negatively — bent in a way that no natural material can manage.
Their approach applies a careful balance of oxygen and light to print solid objects from a liquid pool in minutes instead of hours — rates far faster than traditional printing can achieve.
In the second part, Sikanen modelled liquid pool fires, the evaporation of liquid, and the heat transfer.
Imagine a world where the average daytime temperature is -179 °C, and torrential rains of liquid methane fall from the skies, forming vast but shallow pools that cover an area larger than the Great Lakes.
If the liquid has somewhere to fall after it climbs out of the dish, it will drip from the bottom of the container until it siphons out all the superfluid pooled above it.
The discovery suggests that hot, liquid magma pools may be useful as an indicator of impending eruptions.
His colleague slipped and found herself sitting on the floor in a pool of spilled liquid.
It even has pools of hydrocarbons on its surface, the only known bodies of liquid on any world other than our own.
Planet G - the sixth member in Gliese 581's family - orbits right in the middle of that system's habitable region, where temperatures would be suitable for liquid water to pool on the planet's surface.
The artist's concept depicts Kepler - 186f, the first validated Earth - size planet orbiting a distant star in the habitable zone — a range of distances from a star where liquid water might pool on the surface of an orbiting planet.
Pools of wasps from infected (n = 50) and uninfected (n = 50) treatments were frozen separately in liquid nitrogen 8 hours after experimental manipulation.
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