Sentences with phrase «poor academic outcomes»

That's in large part owing to a provocative body of research showing that students who don't read with proficiency by the end of 3rd grade are far more likely to experience poor academic outcomes, including leaving school without a diploma.
The school has until July 5 to request a hearing over the board's decision, which school board members said was related to concerns about low enrollment and poor academic outcomes for students.
The research is clear: Students who are not reading proficiently by the end of third grade are much more likely to face poor academic outcomes.
Following such reports of poor academic outcomes and questionable ethical practices, our research team at Penn State has decided to continue to study the cyber charter school movement in Pennsylvania to find out more.
While more research is needed to better understand the effects and mechanisms linking sweetened beverages and hyperactivity, previous research has shown a strong correlation between children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and poor academic outcomes, greater difficulties with peer relationships, and increased susceptibility to injuries.
Thus, although both groups may post lower rates of school readiness, Hispanic children from Spanish - speaking homes face the additional challenge of learning the language of the classroom, making them especially vulnerable to poor academic outcomes.
Pope and her team created the PDF shorthand after surveying the research on factors known to protect kids from risky behaviors, mental health challenges, and poor academic outcomes.
As state board members considered K12, Inc.'s pitch to operate in NC, several did express concern about K12's business practices — often negatively portrayed in the media — and their students» poor academic outcomes.
The Tribune examined neighborhood high schools to understand how low enrollment and poor academic outcomes had affected them.
They will need to look at how they use a range of strategies, such as school report cards, workshops with families, professional development with school staff, etc., to communicate that students and families will need to set higher attendance goals, significantly above 90 percent, to ensure absences are not contributing to poor academic outcomes.
GAINESVILLE, Fla. — Kindergarten teachers prepare their students for future school success, yet researchers say nearly 30 percent of children who enter school display problem behaviors, which put them at risk for fewer learning opportunities and poorer academic outcomes.
As State Board of Education members considered K12, Inc.'s pitch to operate in NC, several did express concern about K12's business practices — often negatively portrayed in the media — and their students» poor academic outcomes.
Poor academic outcomes.
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