Sentences with phrase «poor analysis»

The South Beaufort Sea population estimation remained unchanged but this population has been heavily criticized for poor analyses of mark and recatpure data.
With increasing numbers of droughts, wildfires and super storms threating the U.S., the American public does not have the luxury of tolerating poor analyses that could critically handicap our ability to combat climate change.
The skeptics» summary is based on poor analysis and on an incorrect reading of the results.
This dysfunction was partly the fault of the barristailors themselves but mostly the fault of the government of Tailorland which, despite good intentions, repeatedly bungled the structuring of the dispute resolution system through poor analysis, misconceived tinkering, and both benign and malign neglect.
Too many of the findings that fill the academic ether are the result of shoddy experiments or poor analysis (see article).
Interesting subject, poor analysis, poor author
The error demonstrates the poor analysis of the initial plans but the government also seems to be lacking clarity of purpose on the issue - including at PMQs.
My impression is that they are mostly just fallacious — the result of poor analysis.
This is a very poor analysis.
Smith in turn (along with Watts, who also posted Michaels» strawman attack on Hansen et al.) endorsed another poor analysis of Hansen's work by Cliff Mass..
A poor analysis also involves a poor investigation into looking at the things that need to increase the liability.
Too often, their idealism coupled with their poor analysis have paradoxically harmed the very people they sought to assist.
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