Sentences with phrase «poor birth outcomes»

These include poor birth outcomes, child abuse and neglect, and childhood cognitive disabilities.
Brentin Mock writes on a federal study finding, no surprise, that poverty and pollution result in poorer birth outcomes in North Carolina.
In their paper entitled, «Malaria in pregnancy alters L - arginine bioavailability and placental vascular development,» Science Translational Medicine, 7 March 2018, Toronto General Research Institute (TGRI) and University of Toronto researchers report that Malawian women with malaria in pregnancy had altered levels of L - arginine which were associated with poor birth outcomes.
The Strong Start initiative is studying enhanced prenatal care approaches aimed at reducing preterm births among Medicaid and Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) beneficiaries who are at high risk for poor birth outcomes.
(4, 5, 6) THMs from chemically treated water have been associated with a variety of poor birth outcomes, such as spontaneous abortion, birth defects, and low birth weight.
Ultimately this can result in poor birth outcomes which can have long - term effects on babies who survive, including impaired brain and behavioural development,» says Dr. McDonald, adding that research on safe, effective ways of promoting healthy birth outcomes are urgently needed.
To address poor birth outcomes in the United States, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) developed the Strong Start for Mothers and Newborns (Strong Start) initiative.
This campaign, which offers an online media kit, supports local health departments in their efforts to address health inequities among populations disproportionately affected by poor birth outcomes.
The CCC helps the client recognize potential problems to prevent poor birth outcomes.
This initiative will test three evidence - based maternity care service approaches that enhance the current care delivery, and address the medical, behavioral and psychosocial factors that may be present during pregnancy and contribute to preterm - related poor birth outcomes.
Florida Healthy Start offers targeted support services that address risks for poor birth outcomes or developmental delay identified through the state's universal prenatal and infant screens.
This module makes the connection between pregnancy and domestic violence including associated risk behaviors around the time of pregnancy that are associated with poor birth outcomes, low birth weight, interference with breastfeeding, and postpartum depression.
Pesticide exposure can result in poor birth outcome or future health issues such as breathing and neurological defects and increases the chances of childhood Leukemia.
In some places, this rises to the level of an almost cult and the person with a poor birth outcome is seen almost as transgressive because their experience contradicts the lie.
The issues of increased health disparities and poor birth outcomes for Black...
Dr. Kain notes that the L - arginine -(NO) biosynthetic pathway identified in this research may be a common pathway underlying other conditions linked to poor birth outcomes, be they in low or high - income countries such as Canada.
Globally many of these poor birth outcomes are associated with maternal infections such as malaria.
We know that there are younger mothers who have poor birth outcomes, and that chronological age is not a perfect predictor of outcomes,» Mitchell said.
The studies reviewed found children whose mother experienced racism during pregnancy were more likely to have poorer birth outcomes.
We know that depression and anxiety experienced during and after pregnancy often leads to poor birth outcomes, and left untreated, can result in lifelong health and social problems in both the mother and child.
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