Sentences with phrase «poor breeding practices»

Because of poor breeding practices by puppy mills, many dogs arrive at stores with illnesses that may not show for weeks or months after purchase.
There are many unethical breeders selling puppies with serious health and behavioural problems stemming from poor breeding practices.
It is left to breed clubs to handle things as they see fit and often a breed club will be powerless to deal with poor breeding practice.
This is done irrespective of the other qualities that should be bred for, and it encourages very poor breeding practices.
Poor breeding practices not only affect the overall health and well - being of the dog but they can also contribute to «puppy mill» breeding and pet store puppies.
Unfortunately, due to generations of poor breeding practices, many German shepherd dogs suffer from painful problems in their hind legs.
It was almost ruined by poor breeding practices in the late 1800s when breeders exaggerated the dog's natural length and weight.
Intact Rotties have shorter than their regular short life spans due to mammary cancer and sadly euthanasia due to aggression problems (thanks to poor breeding practices in my opinion, they were consistently big teddy bears before they became popular and widely bred by folks with no clue what they were / are doing).
Because most reputable breeders do not breed disqualifying faults, Blues have suffered from poor breeding practices over the years.
There are many contributing factors to most dog bite incidents, including poor breeding practices, inadequate socialization and training, health or behavioural issues, inadequate supervision and / or control of the dog.
There are poor breeding practices practiced by puppy mill breeders, there's an overflow of stray pups due to lack of spaying / neutering and sometimes people have to relinquish their beloved pups due to health and other reasons.
I mentioned poor breeding practices being a contributory factor to teacup dog health issues earlier.
101 Dalmatians brought an increase in the spotted dogs, and poor breeding practices produced some overactive Dals with quirky temperaments.
The quality of life for these animals is miserable and often marred with medical complications caused by poor breeding practices.
Along with poor breeding practices (such as in - breeding to produce smaller and smaller pigs), malnutrition due to underfeeding can lead to a host of lifelong health problems for a miniature pig pet.
Some vets theorize that allergies are getting worse due to aggressive vaccination protocols, poor breeding practices, and poor quality processed pet foods.
These poor breeding practices are what fuels puppy mills that potentially generates substantial income for unscrupulous dog breeders.
Once lost by poor breeding practices, the recessives that make a Shih Tzu a Shih Tzu can never be recaptured.
These commercial breeding operations are inherently exploitive not only of the animals trapped in inhumane breeding conditions, but also of the public that purchase over-priced pets, many of whom have diseases, genetic defects and behavior problems due to poor breeding practices, inadequate nutrition and lack of socialization and veterinary care.
Many dog illnesses are inherited, others caused by improper nutrition, poor breeding practices, and many a combination of any.
Poor breeding practices.
Our main goals are the protection and care of the Shelties already here, the prevention of over-breeding and poor breeding practices, and the education of any Sheltie owner who requests it.
Due to poor breeding practices, some breeds are prone to certain genetic health problems, such as hip dysplasia.
considered to be generally healthy, but poor breeding practices have led to some breed specific health problems.
«Structural or genetic deformities are also common and are a result of poor breeding practices, primarily inbreeding and breeding animals with known genetic issues such as hip dysplasia,» said the ASPCA's Rickey.
The Brussels Griffon is... MORE considered to be generally healthy, but poor breeding practices have led to some breed specific health problems.
He is trustworthy, friendly, and reliable; excessively shy or high strung dogs are atypical of the breed and usually the result of poor breeding practices or inadequate socialization.
Some researchers believe that poor breeding practices (genetic selection) are to blame.
Cocker Spaniels, as one of the most popular breeds, suffered a bad reputation for a few years because of poor breeding practices by some eager for a dollar, but these dogs are now safely secure as a treasured family pet once again.
This is not indicative of an «imperial gene,» but rather of poor breeding practices.
The conditions this breed is prone to are for the most part attributable to poor breeding practices.
The ASPCA and other animal welfare groups have popularized a negative image of commercial dog breeders in recent years, claiming that poor breeding practices and substandard conditions leave some animals with chronic physical ailments, genetic defects or fear of humans.
Originally a merry and vivacious breed, the Cocker's reputation has been sullied by poor breeding practices and for a period of time they were considered shy with a tendency to bite; a poor label for what was once a wonderful companion breed.
The Coton de Tulear is a rare breed with amazing qualities and a healthy gene pool not yet spoiled by poor breeding practices and over breeding.
Most puppies have, or will develop, genetic defects or other health problems sometime in their lives as a result of poor breeding practices and unsanitary conditions at the puppy mill.
By working with a responsible breeder you are likely to get a healthier puppy that is socialised, pay less for the puppy (no retail margins), and are helping to stamp out poor breeding practices.
«We hope that Assembly Members and the Welsh Assembly Government will work with the Kennel Club and others to take an equally robust stand in relation to puppy farms and poor breeding practice
Due to poor breeding practices, some breeds are prone to certain genetic health problems.
Although many people get good pets from pet stores, chances are that the puppy will have one or more problems caused by poor breeding practices and the pet store will have no answers for customers seeking to solve those problems.
While the reasons for this allergy epidemic are uncertain, some of the theories put forth include the aggressive vaccination protocols that many dogs have been subjected to, poor breeding practices and the feeding of processed pet foods.
People can make ferrets sick in a number of ways — poor nutrition, poor breeding practices, lack of exercise, and even in some cases, withholding proper veterinary care such as not vaccinating.
By arming yourself with knowledge and information, you can stay away or even report breeders who adhere to poor breeding practices.
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