Sentences with phrase «poor financial behavior»

This is indicative of lack of knowledge and poor financial behavior.
The book touches on the denial that often accompanies poor financial behavior, equating it to the commonly heard protestation of an out - of - shape individual that he or she is «not that out of shape.»
Describing such activity as «tricks» puts a falsely positive spin on poor financial behavior by the card holder.
When we started dating, we exacerbated each other's poor financial behaviors.

Not exact matches

Not surprisingly, those who feel overwhelming financial stress have poor money management behaviors, with only 8 % of this group having an emergency fund, a mere 14 % comfortable with the amount of debt they are carrying, 18 % having a handle on their cash flow, 53 % paying their bills on time and 34 % carrying a loan or hardship withdrawal from their 401 (k) plan.
From the perspective of Forward, financial support of Haredi families not only diverts scarce dollars from the more deserving Jewish poor who recognize the imperative of «egalitarianism,» but also encourages what economists term «moral hazard,» the subsidizing of economically and socially dysfunctional behavior.
Secured credit cards are designed to help people with poor credit report better financial behavior.
Your credit score is a number ranging from 300 (very poor) to 850 (excellent) that represents your financial history and behavior.
This is how financial institutions mitigate loss due to poor debtor behavior and available credit limit.
Loan modifications don't seem to reward good financial behavior, but reinforce poor financial choices.
Children of depressed mothers also are more likely to have insecure attachment with their mothers, experience high social withdrawal, have poor communication and language skills, perform poorly on cognitive tasks, and show more disruptive behaviors across developmental periods.2 Particularly among low - income families, financial difficulties and related resource scarcity increase the detrimental impacts of maternal depression on the children's adjustment, the mother's health status, and the family's functioning as a whole.3
Parental abuse, onset of problem behavior in early childhood, financial hardship and lack of supervision are all associated with more severe conduct disorder.10, 18 Additionally, a poorer prognosis is associated with an increase in the number and severity of specific DSM - IV criteria.10 Risk also increases with comorbid ADHD and substance abuse.10 These dimensions should guide treatment Subclinical conduct disorder symptoms or those of recent onset may be amenable to physician - parent counseling.
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