Sentences with phrase «poor health habits»

Poor health habits like heavy drinking, smoking, not exercising, overeating, taking drugs, and even working in a high - risk occupation, or taking part in a high risk hobby can mean higher life insurance premiums.
Any poor health habits you have could drive up your medical costs, and decrease your quality of life.
Before I rescued my dog Henry, I had poor health habits.
Lack of balance can be brought into our lives by spending more than we earn, packing our schedules with more activities than we can reasonably handle or by poor health habits.
I often find that harsh PMS symptoms are more likely to occur in someone with poor health habits that are contributing to inflammation and hormone imbalances.
It's certainly a win - win situation for these schools, but it also creates a disturbing picture of rich kids nibbling on sushi and having enough money for the team uniforms, while poor kids in a neighboring district are not only getting eating subpar food, they're often selling candy and other junk food to raise money for those same uniforms, further contributing to poor health habits that may last a lifetime.

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«While we are quick to blame debt on poor savings and bad spending habits, our study emphasizes the burden of health costs causing widespread indebtedness.
Do you want to change your life, improve your health, and say goodbye to all those poor eating habits and non-nutritious foods?
Nutrition contributes to poor health, yet many health and medical professionals lack training for how to speak to patients and where to direct them in their quest for adopting healthier habits.
*** These environmental stresses negatively influence a child's early experiences and often lead to an increase in mental health problems such as anxiety, depression, poor sleep habits, and behavioral issues.
Not to mention that we are setting children up for lifelong health problems by instilling poor eating habits from an early age.
«Children who have been in extended daycare and preschool programs have: poorer work habits, inferior peer relationships, substandard emotional health, lower grades and standardized test scores, and are more difficult to discipline.
Not only are they unhealthy for her, but they can also lead to poor eating habits and health problems, such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease in childhood and later in life.
In keeping with the rather serious tone infecting The Lunch Tray this week (except for the comic relief provided by the school lunch lady action figure — thank goodness for her), the Wall Street Journal recently reported on two new studies showing that good heart health starts in childhood — and that poor habits can potentially cause cardiac problems later in life.
Changing poor sleep habits can be hard, but the evidence is clear that sleep is key to performance, health and safety.
Personal health behaviors — such as poor eating habits, lack of exercise, smoking and excessive drinking — have a major impact on the health of the population and contribute to the leading causes o
School meals can help children develop healthy eating habits — or they can prime them for a life of poor health and unnecessary suffering (did you hear about Paula Deen's statistically unsurprising diabetes diagnosis?).
We got ourselves into this mess of poor nutritional habits, rampant obesity and declining health over the past five decades.
However, overindulgence results in nutritional imbalance, poor eating habits and a threat to long term health.
«School meals can help children develop healthy eating habits — or they can prime them for a life of poor health and unnecessary suffering,» says EWG.
Taxes on soft drinks, alcohol and tobacco have the potential to produce major health gains among the poorest in society, according to the most comprehensive analysis to date of evidence on expenditure, behaviour and socio - economic status, and how Read more about Taxing our unhealthy habits is a health boost for the poor - Scimex
By using our various services, companies and organizations can give employees with poor health practices and high risk factors the knowledge and support they need to adopt a healthier lifestyle, while encouraging those with good health habits to continue these practices.
Researchers believed this was due to poor sleeping habits related to various age - related health issues and stress that increased with old age.
I don't think we focus enough on our future health and the complications, illnesses, diseases and early death that can result from poor habits.
ad breath, medically called halitosis, can result from poor oral hygiene habits or may be a sign of other health problems.
«It is unlikely that these results can be generalized to all Americans,» she told Health after reviewing the study's abstract — especially those who are older, who have health conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, or high cholesterol, and those with poor exercise hHealth after reviewing the study's abstract — especially those who are older, who have health conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, or high cholesterol, and those with poor exercise hhealth conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, or high cholesterol, and those with poor exercise habits.
Poor exercise habits definitely increase the likelihood of both weight gain and poor cardiovascular heaPoor exercise habits definitely increase the likelihood of both weight gain and poor cardiovascular heapoor cardiovascular health.
Additionally, chronic stress can lead to behaviors that are not in the best interest of health such as poor eating habits, smoking, and not getting enough sleep.
There are other factors which contribute to adrenal fatigue such as, emotional issues, poor sleep habits and the overuse of wireless technology but, these herbs and food tips will go a long way to improving your health.
no statements can be made whether the poorer health in vegetarians in our study is caused by their dietary habit or if they consume this form of diet due to their poorer health status.»
Other factors include «bad health habits» such as poor dietary habits: skipping breakfast, feast or famine; heavy caffeine or other stimulant intake (like sodas), smoking, drugs, sugar, and white flour products.
It took you a long time, to end up with poor health, and the «long play» of getting your health back means that you must stay in your program, until it becomes habit, and sustainable.
So example, for me, it was being constantly busy, overtraining, gut health and poor sleeping habits.
Learn how poor sleeping habits can cause a host of chronic health conditions including, migraines, stroke and dementia.
Many health experts agree that stones are created by poor dietary habits, such as, the consumption of too much fat, calcium (usually from commercial dairy products), large amounts of animal protein (red meat, chicken and fish), refined sugar (cookies, cakes, ice cream and pies) and too much alcohol and refined - commercial grade salt.
I don't believe I could have gotten any lower, my health failing, massive depression, poor eating habits, and back pain that was crippling.
Hospital stays, nursing homes, and other health problems that stem from poor eating habits degrade their quality of life.
BodyImageHealth confronts many of today's most challenging public health concerns — poor eating and fitness habits, rising rates of obesity, weight stigma, body dissatisfaction, and eating disorders — with a new, evidence - based model for prevention of body image, eating, fitness and weight concerns before they start.
I began my own health journey with a rocky start; I subscribed to fad diets that were not suitable for my individual needs and coupled with my poor lifestyle habits I was left with severe PMS symptoms, anxiety, depression, terrible acne and little to no energy.
Over time, the inflammation caused by poor dietary habits may lead to several health problems, such as heart disease, diabetes, liver disease and cancer.
Modern day eating habits and stress often cause one to develop a state of acidosis (pH imbalance on the acid side) resulting in premature aging and general poor health.
Alisa asked me what I was eating and what my sleeping habits were like, and I came to realized my lifestyle was responsible for my poor health.
Therefore, no statements can be made whether the poorer health in vegetarians in our study is caused by their dietary habit or if they consume this form of diet due to their poorer health status.»
But reject study tactics which may effect a students health or wellbeing such as sacrificing sleep or adopting poor eating habits.
For that reason, we typically recommend this type of policy only to people who can't qualify for traditional life insurance, due to poor health or questionable lifestyle habits.
Health history: Conditions or poor habits from the last, like smoking, plus a history of certain illness in your family, can also increase rates.
Contact or atopic allergies, hypersensitivity to certain medications, poor grooming habits, dirty feeding bowls, a suppressed immune system or a weakened immune system due to other concurrent health issues are also possible factors.
Yet Hewlett also notes that professionals in «extreme» jobs can harm their health (poor eating habits, lack of sleep, etc.), and their personal relationships (the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers says that preoccupation with work is one of the top four causes for divorce).
For that reason, we typically recommend this type of policy only to people who can't qualify for traditional life insurance, due to poor health or questionable lifestyle habits.
For that reason, we only like to recommend this type of policy to people who can't qualify for traditional life insurance, due to poor health or questionable lifestyle habits.
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