Sentences with phrase «poor hips»

This injury occurs from poor hip and core muscle strength, poor mechanics and increase volume of running too quickly.
These muscles get negatively affected by poor hip angle when seated for long periods of time.
Although poor flexibility is detrimental to a pain - free healthy life, poor hip stability can be fatal given the high incidence of hip fractures due to instability, especially among old people.
This poor practice results in dogs that have their already short life span condensed even further due to genetic illness, poor hip structure and poor overall development.
I wonder is there any evidence that shows how well pups fair from excellent good and poor hip scored parents.
Typically, these problems include poor hip mobility, tight hip flexors and / or hamstrings, and poor glute / posterior chain strength.
Hip / groin pain could also be the result of poor hip flexor flexibility and quadriceps.
And most importantly, a lack of ankle mobility cascades up the kinetic chain, culmulating in poor hip mobility and knee stability that leads to injuries.
Several studies have confirmed the relationship between poor hip strength and common short and distance running injuries such as runners knee, IT band syndrome and Achilles tendonitis.
Poor hip extension can contribute to strain in areas like the IT band and Achilles tendons.
If you have poor hip mobility, you can work on improving it by starting with an easier variation like the Goblet squat that allows you to squat lower while keeping your torso upright.
Two common and lesser - known causes are lack of sleep and poor hip flexors.
Another common cause for injury is poor hip flexors.
The most common reasons for knee valgus include insufficient ankle dorsiflexion range of motion, poor hip mobility, poor gluteal strength and development and muscle poor coordination in the lower body in general.
This is a great exercise because it helps eliminate two common factors associated with knee pain: poor hip mobility and weak Quadriceps.
Poor hip mobility isn't a deadlifting death sentence.
Poor hip mobility is usually to blame in individuals who can't deadlift.
Since this is usually due to poor hip, knee and / or ankle flexibility, the solution is to do stretches for the affected joints.
Breeding two animals with excellent hips does not guarantee that all of the offspring will be free of hip dysplasia, but there will be a much lower incidence than if we breed two animals with fair or poor hips.
The dorsolateral subluxation test (developed by our group at Cornell) results in a score ranging from 20 % (poorest hips) to 80 % (best hips).
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