Sentences with phrase «poor job meeting»

Not exact matches

While he continues to have faith in Pearson and recently met with company employees at a town hall meeting, Ackman said Valeant and its CEO have done a poor job communicating, being transparent and quickly responding to damaging accusations.
Typically used to explain away someone's poor behavior, like the top salesperson who treats people badly or the great engineer who is rude during meetings, the loose translation of this statement is, «Even though it's my job as a boss to address this issue, and I wouldn't let anyone else behave that way, I don't feel like dealing with it.»
When I walked into my first Houston ISD School Food Services Parent Advisory Committee meeting, I knew next to nothing about school food except that my district seemed to be doing a pretty poor job of preparing it.
You don't need to accept a narrative of the World Bank and IMF as being out to exploit the poor to have a problem with this; from a pure positivist / rationalist perspective, SAPs didn't do a good job of meeting their stated goals.
That was the consensus of a panel of anthropologists who described in often - painful (and sometimes personal) detail just how poor a job evolution has done sculpting the human form here Friday at the annual meeting of AAAS (which publishes ScienceNOW).
Since I'm a physical therapist, I often think about the risk of injury to the lower back when performing advanced ab exercises, especially because most of the people I work with (and meet) have sedentary jobs, poor posture, and joint problems.
Dirty Dancing meets Bend It Like Beckham with snowboards, starring beautiful English rose Felicity Jones as a poor London girl who takes a job as hired help at a ski chalet, where in - between being in the service of a bunch of posh twats she practices snowboarding for an upcoming contest.
In 10 town hall meetings across the state this summer, people cited the same reasons for leaving teaching jobs: low pay, stress, and poor perception of the profession.
Used by many districts last year — including some of the poorer ones — it does a far better job of meeting the state standards and putting local contributions into context.
«If your kid isn't doing well — if he's not meeting a given expectation — it's your job to figure out why and to put poor motivation at the bottom of the list,» he writes.
We had done a poor job of setting goals as of late, but this past weekend we had a budget / goal meeting and it's really focused us again.
I grow tired of trying to hype this game to everyone I meet by myself, only to tell them that SOA is doing a poor job of advertising and giving us updates about this game.
A few weeks later, he again met with these managers, who terminated him for poor job performance.
Even if they decide to invite you to a job interview after seeing your poor grammar, they may be a bit condescending at the meeting because you write «your» instead of «you're».
I have met them a few times but do nt know them well enough to say whether they do a great job or a poor job.
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