Sentences with phrase «poor leadership»

Why that happens can range from poor leadership and ineffective teachers to out - of - school factors that affect student learning, such as living in poverty.
We have long known that he has poor leadership skills and the state of his party bears ample testimony to this.
55 percent are dissatisfied with some aspect of their jobs, including poor leadership, lack of control over teaching, and too much testing pressure with too little support.
Recognizing poor leadership is a vital skill to help you achieve greatness.
One sign of poor leadership is when the boss speaks before really knowing all of the details or analyzing the possible outcome for a given decision.
From a near - death experience caused by decades of neglect combined with poor leadership in both the public and privately led wings of the industry, nuclear was back.
Its also a matter of poor tactics, failure to adjust and adapt new tactics during the game, poor leadership by players during the game, and having a squad that is overtly injury prone.
No, I blame the politicians and heads of government agencies, particularly the National Weather Service, for poor leadership on global warming.
God is cursing America for its many sins with poor leadership choices.
There is no quick fix to save Nook, years of poor leadership on the executive level and no multi-year plan has destroyed all of their credibility.
Immelt, who served in various other leadership roles at GE, came under fire by critics for poor leadership decisions as CEO that left GE cash - strapped.
But it said that, on the whole, rich countries including the European Union had once again shown poor leadership and acted as if climate change is a distant prospect, when in reality it is already destroying people's lives and livelihoods around the world.
She also wrote to trustees of the Legra Academy Trust, which runs the Cecil Jones Academy, to highlight poor leadership of its own.
, then you need to ask yourself whether this is in fact poor leadership masquerading as spiritual enlightenment.
This (NERs statement) is a similar opinion poor leadership in the military carries.
I'll give him grace for this since it appears to be isolated, but his sarcasm here reflects poor leadership
Earlier today, in a tweet storm, President Trump criticized the mayor of San Juan for poor leadership after the storm.
When I talk about poor leadership, [I mean] the NPP has been here before, but appropriate and effective leadership dealt with it in a way that even saw the NPP becoming even much stronger.
Second Republic Governor of Kaduna State, Alhaji Balarabe Musa, on Thursday, blamed Nigeria's woes on President Goodluck Jonathan's poor leadership quality.
Tunde Ajaja About 47 days after they left the Tafawa Balewa Square in Lagos for the Federal Capital Territory, in protest against poor leadership and bad state of the country, members of New Nigeria Nationalists, a non-political and social engineering movement, say they have arrived at their destination, Abuja.
I worry that underlying that statistic is the easy acceptance by too many (though not all) Ofsted inspectors that poor performance data equals poor leadership and management equals poor governance.
To the extent that the failure of low performing schools reflects the challenges that disadvantaged students bring to the classroom, and not simply poor leadership or instruction, more attention to those challenges may be necessary in the form, for example, of health clinics, counselors, or mental health specialists.
Retailers» ability to be good leaders can make or break their businesses — poor leadership often leads to high employee turnover, an unhappy staff and, ultimately, customer dissatisfaction and loss of sales.
She's been in the unenviable position of having to clean up years of poor leadership at Pulse, and has miraculously achieved some success during her two - year tenure.
It is critically important not to overstate climate change's involvement in contemporary population movements, lest we absolve poor leadership and decision - making.
King & Wood Mallesons» (KWM) China management team has blamed poor leadership and a lack of consensus among European partners for the collapse of the legacy SJ Berwin business.
Hearing complaints about projects not working, poor leadership allows jobseekers to capitalize on what has been said.
The political leaders from all jurisdictions demonstrate poor leadership in not owning - up to the failure to effectively implement NATSINSAP.
Without hesitation, they called out, «Poor leadership by the prior principal» (denigrating authority), «lack of teacher assistants for differentiating instruction» (denying personal responsibility), and «unrealistic expectations by politicians» (scapegoating).
He concluded that Ghana is not poor but has only suffered from poor leadership and greedy and persons around the leaders.
No. 1 — and the most important one — has to do with poor leadership and lack of organisational skills.
Whether it was a misguided hire or poor leadership skills from my end, I wish that I knew what I know now when it comes to creating the perfect mix of inspiration and effective management.
came under fire by critics for poor leadership decisions as CEO that left GE cash - strapped.
While workspace aesthetics is not entirely to blame for these matters (other factors at play may include poor leadership or management and long commutes) this situation has the potential to intensify as we enter a new phase in workplace culture.
I recall.many a time Henry chasing back and he's a world class forward also how many times has Rooney cleared his lines.Poor coaching and poor leadership on the pitch is part of the problem.
The party lamented that «the governor's past hasty decisions to destroy all roundabouts in the state capital, embark on an endless staff screening exercise, the planned sale - off of government properties, and all the governor's other inconsistencies in making policies, has shown poor leadership and brought untold hardships on Kogites.»
Legal Week survey highlights poor leadership and partner self interest as reasons for the collapse of the legacy SJ Berwin business
Sir Michael Wilshaw, chief inspector of Ofsted, has claimed that poor leadership in schools is putting off Teach First graduates from continuing in the profession.
As hard as we try to escape the leadership debate in this political season, we are presented with an election saturated and with numerous examples of poor leadership and public behavior in that role.
The combination of the poor leadership style and the stresses and strains of the bonus evaluations produced a level of insecurity and discomfort that had people looking over their shoulders all the time.
As a magazine, we are never slow to call out poor leadership, nor should we be.
I have seen many great business models fail due to poor leadership and have seen many more thrive due to strong leadership.
I believe this poor leadership style was one of the reasons for the rise in union activity.
Even something as seemingly non-managerial as this, when not attended to, can be a sign of poor leadership, especially when things get hairy.
Endemic crying has got to be symptomatic of something: poor leadership, understaffing, people don't feel they have a channel to express themselves.»
The moment you find yourself embarrassed or concerned that others will obtain knowledge of where you work is a clear indicator of either poor leadership or unethical practices.
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