Sentences with phrase «poor learning growth»

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Low iron formulas do not contain enough iron and will put your child at risk for developing iron deficiency anemia (which has been strongly associated with poor growth and development and with learning disabilities).
These types of infant formula do not contain enough iron and will put your child at risk for developing iron deficiency anemia (which has been strongly associated with poor growth and development and with learning disabilities).
Medical research reveals that gluten commonly causes nerve damage, brain disease, mental disturbance, learning disorders, fatigue, and poor growth.
They are campuses with depressingly low pupil achievement, poor student - level growth, and very little successful teaching and learning in their classrooms.
The Institute For Literacy and Learning This website has overheads and sound files of eminent researchers discussing evidence - based instructional interventions for struggling readers, young and old, including: Dr. Deb Glaser - «Planning Professional Development for Positive Reading Success and Growth» Dr. Rollanda O'Connor - «Teaching Older Poor Readers to Read words» Dr. Jan Hasbrouck - «Using Assessment Data for RTI Decisions» Dr. Sharon Vaughn - «Teaching Older Students with Reading Difficulties» Dr. Randy Sprick - «Introduction to School - wide and Classroom Discipline: Getting the Year off to a Great Start» Dr. Ed Shaprio - «RTI: What's Working?»
Most importantly, Dr. Darling - Hammond states that evaluation should include evidence of student learning but from sources other than standardized tests, and she rejects growth measures such as SGPs and Value - Added Models because of the ever increasing research base that says they are unreliable and create poor incentives in education.
Studies published in the best economics and education journals have shown unequivocal evidence of excessive teaching to the test and drilling that produces inflated measures of students» growth in learning; cheating on tests that includes erasing incorrect answers or filling in missing responses; shifting of students out of classrooms or other efforts to exclude anticipated poor performers from testing, or alternatively, concentrating classroom teaching efforts on those students most likely to increase their test scores above a particular target, and other even more subtle strategies for increasing testing averages.
These are not fit for purpose because primary schools admitting poorer and less able pupils are forced by market pressures and invalid OfSTED judgements to inflate their scores through the use of behaviourist cramming and other teaching methods that do not result in deep learning and cognitive growth.
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As per Van Court, instead of teaching kids that life is full of invisible protection nets that safeguard them from their poor decisions, parents should teach kids that life is all about lessons learned, growth, consequences and accountability.
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