Sentences with phrase «poor naps»

Poor naps lead to night time sleep disruption, and can affect day time behavior.
But I would also consider possibilities like an ear infection or something else that might be affecting appetite and causing poor naps.
If you are logging her sleep you may see a pattern where she sleeps worse at night and wakes more often after the 12:30 am bottle after a day of poor naps.
An irregular or ill - suited nap schedule not only gives poor naps, but also gives rise to unsettled sleep patterns.
During these consultations, we address sleep problems ranging from unwanted co-sleeping, to endlessly walking or rocking your child to sleep, to frequent night wakings, to poor napping, to early rising, or to bedtime battles that lead to a late bed time.
If, however, they have a poor nap day and only sleep until 2PM, bed time should be at 6PM.
Has it been a few days with a poor nap?
Going to bed too late and poor naps can set a child up for night terrors.
Between 4 wk and 2 mo check she called a CM (referred by GFI) with complaints of «poor napping» (baby waking at 45 min into nap).
Our sons had colds more often than Hannah did, and I wondered whether it was from all those germs she was bringing home from kindergarten, or whether their poor napping was getting in the way of their good health.
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