Sentences with phrase «poor opinion»

The apes have a very poor opinion about man's intelligence and behaviors.
Coleman At Large (Newstalk Radio): Discussion relating to the Labour Party's prospects in next local and general elections in the light of poor opinion poll showings (28th August 2013).
Midlands Today (Midlands Radio 3): Discussion relating to Labour Party prospects for next general election in wake of recent poor opinion polls (26th August 2013).
So here's a bit more on my effort to update our understanding of THE MIND OF THE SOUTH (the title of a quite singular and strange book by W.J. Cash): Cash did follow Mencken — and genuine Southern Stoics such as the poet William Alexander Percy — in having a very poor opinion of the....
The point is, if you are Christian, there is no getting around the fact that God has a pretty poor opinion of homôsëxuality.
Entering the Commons following poor opinion polls, inflation at a 15 - year - high and a «Stalinist» jibe from a leading civil servant, the chancellor was not unveiling his Budget from a comfortable position.
Platt conversely has a v poor opinion of analysts, and I can't blame him.
In his main television interview of the Labour conference, Miliband dismissed recent poor opinion polls as he said he would be focusing on the increasing costs of living.
I suppose, if they had such a «poor opinion of us...»
My poor opinion of SNAP was formed some time ago, but the organization returned to my attention as I've followed the most recent scandal unfolding in the Kansas City «St. Joseph diocese.
Some of it is antisemitism, but when virtually the entire world holds some poor opinion of you, is it really the entire world whose judgement and actions are wrong??
But we can, and indeed must, reject its poor opinion of us.
But we can, and indeed must, reject it's poor opinion of us.»
What a poor opinion.
Dimitar Berbatov did not hide his poor opinion of him but Kerala Blasters have announced David James as head coach till the ISL's 2020 - 21 season.
Your child will sense that you have a poor opinion of him and could start to lose hope in his ability to ever change.
And his disgust with the Washington political system, and his poor opinion of the current president (a fact that Alex and I touched on in a piece last year) comes through:
It is common in the press and the political classes to characterize the poor opinion poll ratings for the Conservative (and Lib Dem) Party as «mid-term blues».
But true business people in «power jobs» seem to have a poor opinion of bright and gaudy colors, so it would be hard to let go of my fuchsia, turquoise, and purple.
David Kulovic (Martin Donovan) is a single guy who doesn't have much luck impressing the ladies, a dilemma he attributes to the poor opinion most people have of his trade, plumbing.
Having said that, SEAT could only manage a 27th - place finish out of 33 brands in our manufacturer rankings — largely due to a poor opinion of its dealer network.
We children had a poor opinion of him.
A stale, stagnant author website is sure to leave your visitors with a bad taste in their mouths and a poor opinion of you and your writing.
Actually, I was also chastised for my poor opinion of FAST's valuation last year.
For those involved in the Binary Options, the shutdown of iOption is unlikely to be taken as a positive sign, with many already holding a poor opinion regarding Binary Options as product.
I know you have a poor opinion of O Reilly firms and have valued INM at zero but perhaps miracles do happen sometimes.
The lack of a campaign, poor balancing between infantry and starfighters, a limited «Space Battle» mode, small number of maps and long loading times were just a few things that led to people's poor opinions of the game.
When they act admirably or extend a courtesy to you, let it chip away at your poor opinion of them.
«Needle in a haystack» — If a recruiters have a poor opinion of the quality of candidates found on job board resume databases, then finding for the right candidate with the right background on a job board looks like a needle in a haystack
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