Sentences with phrase «poor skin and coat health»

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Matted coat and mild skin flaking along her back: Molly's large body size causes difficulty for self - grooming, which leads to poor coat condition and skin health.
Of course, that thick, long coat will need regular brushing to avoid tangles and poor skin health.
Allergic reactions will include poor coat health, dry skin and itching.
Some of the more common symptoms of this cat health problem include the following: Fever, Swollen lymph nodes, Pale gums, Decreased appetite, Poor coat condition, Inflammation of the mouth or gums, Chronic conjunctivitis, Behavior changes, Problems with urination, Recurrent skin infections and Poor wound healing.
Poor hair - coat health evident as dry, flaky skin and increased shedding is a common secondary symptom to malnutrition.
General skin and coat conditions — Again, this is a good topic of discussion to have with a vet in order to understand how poor coat quality might be due to a dog's poor general health.
«Are the signs of good nutritional health present or does the pet suffer from issues including allergies, poor coat and skin condition, loose or odorous stool?
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