Sentences with phrase «poor sods»

Unlike all those poor sods in Britain who only bothered to Google what the EU was AFTER they'd voted to leave.
$ 72million will hardly buy a mars bar these days so definitely, the poor sods need more cash.
Poor sods, another reason to hate the capitalist pigs with their shiny new PS3s and 360s lol
The poor sods who are on the street must cover themselves in what they can find.
I can only pity the poor sods who had to sit through the first version — this one's bad enough.
Just before I hit the old blue publish button on my 2017 in review post for Inspiring Wit, I thought I should post up at least one of the poor sods that ended up doomed to stay in the draft folder for over three months.
I bet the poor sods heading out the door won't be raising a glass to Osborne's «genius» economic strategy that took the Tories from 24 points ahead to 24 cchq «ers out the door.
Pity the poor sods in the cheap seats.
There once was a jealous old god Who gave Joe's wife Mary a prod For she was so sultry He practiced adultery While Joe was asleep, the poor sod.
Driving through downtown Portland, you often pass some poor sod waving at traffic in a neon - red lobster suit.
For one game can we just play Ozil down the middle, so he doesn't have to track back (because he doesn't, leaving bellerin on his own, poor sod).
At the end of the day, he goes back to his wife and millionaire house in his milionaire car while you poor sod are crying over a defeat in your miserable life.
I like all the arsenal players even if they are not the bests and at the end of the day, they are millionaire with i suppose a nice life, I am just a poor sod (no jealousy) Words can hurt surely but the million may hepl to sweeten it.
You'll be expected to hire some poor sod to photograph the first post-wedding sex act, no doubt complete with extensive staging, lighting, and so on, all very tastefully (EWWWW!)
The poor sod didn't stand a chance lying in his bed, so a quick knife slash ended his life and made the transfer of ownership a much easier task, so I went to headed to bed safe in the knowledge that I was a little richer.
That is all you need to start wreaking havoc on whichever poor sod dares to venture into your virtual establishment.
Sometimes though, when we see an announcement for a sequel, our hearts sink, we question the sanity of developers / publishers and usually have a bit of a fight around the office to see which poor sod will have to review it.
A prime example comes after rescuing some poor sod, a recurring theme in the game as it scores you extra points, from the zombie horde.
Because of Murphy's laws, there also had to be that one poor sod whose luggage was already on the plane but the person was not.
I hope the poor sod remembers to tell his butler to re-gas the air - conditioning system.
The only Geos I know who believe in CAGW either work in Academia where to show your skeptic hand would be detrimental to your career prospects, or a Geo's spouse who is a diehard Greenie, again the Geo exercising his / her survival skills — I in fact know an example of the latter — poor sod.
They poor sod gets to try out going in sewers and all sorts of good stuff.
I bet they do nt say that when they send the bailiffs round in the middle of winter as they cut some poor sod off
(Poor sod: useless and out to lunch!)
He made the poor sod click the pen, which actually housed «a 1.5 volt battery and a transformer that converts the battery's DC current to AC current and transforms the 1.5 volts supplied by the battery up to several hundred volts.»
I'm also in the 30 + professional, «don't have time» bracket, but a / the feeling that it is cheating somehow, b / a reluctance to hand out my card number to a website involved in «gray area» activities, and c / a suspicion that most of this gold isn't coming from happy students in middle America, but from some poor sod in a sweat shop in China keeps me clear of buying gold.

Not exact matches

That poor little boy crying in the crowd is all over twitter...... so sad, poor little sod... hate seeing kids crying.
you would think that being elected to the «House» this would instill some sort of gravitas and respect but in a lot of cases the MP's learn the fiddles and off they go and «sod»em «to the poor bloody infantry
The sad fact is — picture one of these poor lucky sods winning the lottery: In due course, almost inevitably, he will end up a distressed consumer again...
A great thread; VS has developed what David Stockwell has done at his site on the subject of cointegration and the statistical fallacy of the CO2 / temperature correlation; pity about dhogaza and his anger and sod who is a spoiler from way back; even eli has had to pull up his socks, or are they pressure bandages, poor old dear that he is.
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