Sentences with phrase «poor understanding»

Game developers still can make good games in spite of poor understanding of interface design.
The null hypothesis is that mankind has a very poor understanding of climate.
A trader with poor understanding of market dynamics will be losing a high percentage of their trades, typically losing more trades than if they'd traded just by tossing a coin.
The assumption an eBook * should * be that cheap is based on poor understanding of publishing industry economics.
Their way to talking to people was aggressive, they'd call people names, they had a relatively poor understanding of how bitcoin fundamentally worked.
The problem is that so far, we have a rather poor understanding of what kind of situation could bring on such events abruptly.
There may be pragmatic difficulties such as poor understanding, poor use of tone, facial gesture and body language, and poor eye contact.
Another person who has so poor an understanding of biology s / he doesn't know s / he's an animal.
It must come from a very poor understanding of biology and ecology.
This student's «proficiency» on that content would be reported as 60 %, which most educators would initially interpret as poor understanding or mastery.
In my view, this reveals a very poor understanding of the gospel.
«The head of the search for Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 has raised the possibility that no wreckage from the passenger jet may ever be found, revealing authorities have a very poor understanding about how fast or far it traveled,» The Sydney Morning Herald writes.
Insufficient reading might result in poor understanding of the topic, incorrect assessment of the argumentative essay writing question, and lack of the link between the facts and your argumentation.
Well but this one is real good to read it show how poor understanding between the so call CLERGY and GOVERNMENT have between.
The influential public accounts committee today published its report on government «outsourcing» - and found there was a chronically poor understanding of how and why different departments spend their money on interim staff and consultancy.
Referring to Oluwo as Islamofascist betrays Fani - Kayode's seeming poor understanding of both Islam and fascism.
part of the problem that families have especially when their children go to high school is that their own poor understanding of maths becomes patently obvious.
I would add poor understanding of appropriate statistical methods, inattention to scale issues, and lack of existing, appropriate empirical data with which to test proposed models, the latter usually being beyond the control of the researcher.
America's fractured government follows from the public's extremely poor understanding of political science.
Having listened to a podcast of a talk Salby gave at the Sydney Institute earlier this week, he demonstrates a remarkably poor understanding of the carbon cycle, and his hypothesis seems to stem from this fundamental misunderstanding.
[DC: Handling numbers «correctly» with poor understanding and knowledge of the domain in question is not good science.
There are currently no commercial vaccines and their development is hampered by poor understanding of the immunobiology of the infection.
If my premise that such support is based on poor understanding and false assumptions is true, then the appropriate recourse would again be further education.
This is why creationism is bad for children, because those indoctrinated in it have very poor understandings of what biology even says.
For decades, it was thought that Americans had a relatively poor understanding of evolution.
According to figures from the Commission, up to 100 million tonnes of food are wasted in Europe each year, while last year's report from the London - based Institution of Mechanical Engineers found that between 30 percent and 50 percent of the food which gets to supermarket shelves is wasted - often because of poor understanding of best before and use by dates.
But voters — whether out of poor understanding or personal aspiration — don't seem to be pressing the issue as much as the president would imply.
Large variations between your projected numbers and the actual numbers indicate a poor understanding of your business.
While this mega-merger would certainly shake up the industry, the DOJ's decision to block the acquisition reflects a poor understanding of today's media landscape.
The Mayor was involved in some financial irregularities that may (I honestly don't know) just be a matter of either poor judgment or poor understanding of proper procedures.
Plenty of investors (and politicians) have a poor understanding of share buybacks.
-LSB-...] common items on lists of why startups fail (good list at Founders Block and discussion at Quora) are poor understanding of customers (too small of a market, wrong timing, -LSB-...]
At the core is poor understanding of buyers; even after companies have indicated they invested in buyer personas.
Second, the shallow media presentation is largely responsible for the poor understanding of most non-Catholics.
Unless the poor understand that their poverty is caused by a few people who are exploiting them, sucking their blood... It is not caused by your past lives and bad acts, it is caused by the social system which depends on exploitation.
I am truly dismayed that she would call herself a Bible scholar due to her poor understanding of the scriptures.
The reason I state it like this is because most everybody goes wrong, starting with a poor understanding from Romans 3 & 4 that makes them misinterpret the gospels and the demonstrations in the books of Acts concerning baptism.

Phrases with «poor understanding»

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