Sentences with phrase «poorer quality food choices»

Not exact matches

Instead of upgrading a poor - quality menu, they wanted to find ways to encourage children to make better choices from the terrible food in the cafeteria line.
The most common underlying causes of chronic illness are: poor - quality food and poor food choices, stress, environmental toxins, lack of physical activity / movement, prescription drugs, and poor lifestyle choices.
And, this (current) «direction» involves poor quality food production techniques and dietary choices; the overuse of chemicals in every facet of life and, of course, the narrow - minded approach to treating cancer, which include radiation and chemotherapy that actually causes secondary cancers.
For nutritional insurance - to help plug the gaps in your diet due to poor food quality, soil depletion and imperfect dietary choices; and because of the demands our bodies make for extra nutrients due to environmental toxins and our high - stress modern lifestyles.
Before I start workingout everyone in my family or my friends are sometimes shocked at how little I eat cause of my size / weight they all expected me to stuff my face all day long but I know it was my poor food choices that made me gain weight it wasn't the quantity it's the quality I wasn't getting the nutritional values I need from the types of food I was consuming.
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