Sentences with phrase «poorly socialized»

Stating, you are poorly socialized and likely lonely too.
The kitten may have a hereditary condition, be malnourished, wormy, sick and poorly socialized; some will never have been handled and are virtually wild - their docility when sold being due to fear or illness.
The barn cat adoption program offers a second chance for difficult - to - place felines, such as cats that are feral or poorly socialized, or those with behavioural issues such as poor litter box habits.
A poorly socialized one will potentially end up making the news the next day.
There are senior dogs left behind by their owners that are poorly socialized with other animals, but are incredibly loyal companions to humans and likely have been for many years.
Generally, they are quiet dogs and love people and children, though if they are poorly socialized as puppies they can be a little nervous.
There have been a number of stories in the news about Pit Bull attacks lately, which begs the question: are Pit Bulls truly the vicious dogs the media portrays them to be or are the specific dogs in the news simply dogs who have been poorly socialized and bred to be aggressive?
For some dogs excessive licking is simply a bad habit, possibly formed when they were young, particularly if they were weaned too young, or poorly socialized.
This is particularly true of poorly socialized single kittens, kittens that were not among their peers for appropriate sparring, and cats that were taught that biting hands and chasing feet is a game.
A nervous, poorly socialized dog can easily become a fear - biter so caution should be taken to make sure they are socialized early.
But with the exception of those that have been poorly socialized or trained to fight, the American Staffordshire Terrier is a fine, affectionate canine companion who has been unfairly targeted by legislation aimed at outlawing the breed.
A feral cat is any cat that is too poorly socialized to be handled and can not be placed into a typical home.
Isolating a puppy away from other dogs and new people can lead to a fearful, poorly socialized adult dog.
It's not just something that happens to poorly socialized or aggressive dogs.
You are helping to increase our capacity to heal and rehabilitate poorly socialized or abused dogs and cats that need some extra TLC.
Shy, aggressive, recently adopted, or poorly socialized dogs benefit from individualized assessment and customized dog behavioral modification.
Often the dogs are poorly fed, and most are poorly socialized.
A great many outdoor dogs are poorly socialized because they are not made a regular part of the family.
For a poorly socialized puppy, the risk of developing behavior problems including aggression toward other animals or humans, anxieties and phobias, and avoidance of social interactions is high.
so even if the dog is too ill or too poorly socialized to be adopted into a loving home, that dog stays with an experienced Sanctuary foster caregiver for life.
Poorly socialized dogs are much more likely to react with fear or aggression to unfamiliar people, dogs and experiences.
This is because they're more comfortable in a wider variety of situations than poorly socialized dogs, so they're less likely to behave fearfully or aggressively when faced with something new.
And, a new Barn Cat program will provide an alternative for poorly socialized cats.
This only results in untrained, poorly socialized, and unaltered pets, with an increase in the pet population.
rescues abused or poorly socialized kitties from the shelter, sometimes we have to consider a non-traditional home placement.
But surely you are not going to leave it up to a poorly socialized dog to make decisions regarding whom to protect, whom to protect against, and how to protect.
Poorly socialized German Shepherds can react with hysterical aggression at the sight of any stranger on their property.
For instance, to a well - socialized dog a play bow is a friendly signal indicating an invitation to play, but to a dog that was poorly socialized, this body posture may appear threatening.
They are not likely to have had much human attention and so will be poorly socialized, they may require a lot of patience and even the help of someone with specialized training before they are able to fit in.
Poorly socialized puppies can also result when they have been raised in the wild by an abandoned, female dog.
Instead of the aggressive behavior being based upon a sense of dominance and threat - eradication, poorly socialized German Shepherds can be so excessively shy and anxious around strangers that they snarl and bite out of a sense of fear, rather than true dominance.
Your new dog will be poorly socialized and will be difficult to housebreak, hard to train, and may end up biting members of your family.
This is why no amount of cajoling and coaxing can convince a poorly socialized adolescent dog that a plastic bag blowing across the parking lot is no big deal — to her, escaping from it or defending herself is a matter of life or death.
's Barn Cat program is an inventive solution to finding homes for poorly socialized cats.
Such cats are either poorly socialized or behaviorally challenged, and may have even been feral.
Cheap dogs are often poorly socialized, have little immunity to parasites or disease, and are the product of accidental breedings, not carefully - planned matings.
Some poorly socialized or undersocialized dogs excessively mount other dogs in response to play solicitation.
A poorly socialized or trained GSD will require alot of post adoption training and you must be dedicated to doing this, otherwise they will end up right back at the rescue which is not fair to them.
A poorly socialized dog will be afraid of new situations and people.
Thousands of dogs that have been either neglected and poorly socialized, or straight - up abused, are rescued, re-homed, and adjust surprisingly well considering their background.
Puppies raised in a cramped environment shared by many other dogs become poorly socialized to other dogs and to humans.
Even a social cat may have been abandoned because it exhibited problems, and one that is poorly socialized will often lead to the cat being abandoned again or relinquished to a shelter.
rescues badly abused or poorly socialized kitties from the shelter.
Poorly socialized dogs are more likely to react to the unknown with fear and aggression
According to Margaret R. Slater, DVM, PhD, senior director of epidemiology, animal health services with the American Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), a feral cat is «any cat who is too poorly socialized to be handled... and who can not be placed into a typical pet home.»
Cats raised by backyard breeders and kitten mills usually have both health and behavioral problems, as they are mistreated, poorly socialized and kept in bad conditions.
While some dogs bought from newspaper ads and yard signs are healthy and happy, far too many are ill, poorly socialized, genetically flawed dog - catastrophes waiting to happen.
The poor little guys and girls are often neglected and poorly socialized.
It could be a dog was poorly socialized, attacked, traumatized, left alone in a crate, fenced back yard, limited human interaction, or similar scenario.
The result can be a shy, fearful, or otherwise poorly socialized dog.A puppy who is well socialized will play happily with other puppies but take equal pleasure in climbing into your lap for a pat and a cuddle.
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