Sentences with phrase «pop out more»

Tucson - based artist Kyle Kulakowski specializes in video game - inspired black velvet paintings, a medium that uses black velvet in place of canvas, allowing vibrant colors to pop out more against the dark background.
What I like about it is the fact that it is maintaining the IR Screen which compared to capacitive touchscreen, the fonts pop out more, are a tad bit inkier and black and the background screen is whiter as opposed to a beige tone you get with capacitive.
That's so neat, I can seriously be in that store for hours lol I'm so happy I stuck with the dark blue tones, the black crows definitely seem to pop out more hehe I just adore your blog too and I'm so excited to see what else you create!
This should make even darker colors pop out more and give people you meet all the more reason to remember your face.
This will make the gold pop out more when you add the powder eyeshadow.
«A couple of notions pop out more than others,» Elton says.
I have under the skin nodules around the nipple they seem to pop out more than the left boob not sure what else it could be.
Run a little bit of hot water over the moulds to pop them out more easily.
(The reason I love Dutch braid is because it pops out more, and you can make the braid look thicker and fluffier by gently pulling the sides of the braid outward.)

Not exact matches

«The fact that his audience stretched out past teenagers and the hiphop community showed us that he's got a great mainstream appeal (pop culture females ranging from teenagers to alumni), but he also appeals to more niche hop hop communities like Trap Rap.»
Rather than spending $ 600 to $ 800 or even more a pop, customers could instead take out a short - term lease for between $ 100 and $ 200, then return the dress when done with it.
I've played several of them, and am always blown away by the numbers that appear on the screen: «Cash Show» consistently draws more than 100,000 players and gives away a total of $ 20,000 a day on weekends ($ 9,000 on weekdays); «The Q,» a hilariously ramshackle app out of Charleston, South Carolina, gets approximately 10,000 players going for as little as $ 100 per quiz; «Quiz Biz,» on the popular live - streaming app, gives away up to $ 50,000 — a pop — to tens of thousands of players.
Though these monthly data are notoriously jumpy, the out - sized job gains were accompanied by a nice pop in labor force participation rate — up 0.3 percent to... Read more
The eye - popping figures helped convince investors to pour more than $ 50 billion into emerging - market stock funds during 2017, just two years after they pulled more money out of such funds than they put in, according to Morningstar.
The digital currency has also gotten a big lift this year from mom - and - pop investors in countries like South Korea and Japan who don't want to miss out on the prospect of more big gains.
More and more Bitcoin news have been popping out daily, on all kinds of meMore and more Bitcoin news have been popping out daily, on all kinds of memore Bitcoin news have been popping out daily, on all kinds of media.
To me it was all just same - old, same - old in the pop genre in general and the kind of one - upmanship you see in every video out here, where the more explicit you can be, the better.
Phoenix has been making its bouncy version of electro - pop for years — but their exposure to the world has come in more spread - out bursts.
If we're more interested in starting a contemporary worship service in our congregation than we are in seeking justice in our community, we need to pop our heads out of the water and see where we are in the fast - running current of God's mission.
The more I read the more parallels popped out at me between what...
Is it more rational to believe the universe popped into existence out of nowhere completely uncaused, or that it was caused by a powerful and intelligent mind?
'' Is it more rational to believe the universe popped into existence out of nowhere completely uncaused»
While the Chinese are popping ballistic missiles out of subs off our coast Mike Mullen is more concerned with getting the Christians out of the military and the g - a-ys in.
But this image popped into my head last week and she demanded to be drawn to fill out her story a little more.
As soon as he makes it mandatory that all welfare recipient who pop out babies to get more of my tax dollars then I will agree with making it mandatory for any church or employer to provide it.
, I mean came «into existence» (mysteriously popped out of nowhere); rather, it will challenge intellectual thinkers to look at life as not just a compilation of atoms / cells; rather a universe that is controlled by powers much more awesome than the natural forces we all experience on a daily basis.
I wanted to stretch it out a little more to serve as lunch so popped in some beluga lentils too.
Artisanal coffee is a constant, growing surge that just keeps getting better as more and more roasters pop up from Christ Church (New Zealand), to Calgary and Portland (try respectively Phil and Sebastien Coffee in Calgary and Heart Roasters out of Portland for coffees that will make you bark in pleasure).
But this time I tried baking it in a muffin pan and it was way more convenient to pop them suckers out, all ready to decorate with chocolate and eat in their individual compact forms.
I found that after cutting my shapes on top of the waxed paper I could simply flip the paper over on to my countertop and more easily peel away the «in between bits» and avoid stretching the cookies out of shape (this instead of popping in my small freezer due to lack of time).
Same goes for the Gomacro bars, I haven't tried the cashew caramel one yet, but the banana almond butter was a bit dull, I expected a lot more, and at 2.79 a pop I'm unlikely to shell out again, although the flavour combinations for the range sound so amazing.
I'll pop up more photos once I find out why they won't load.
It also keeps well in the fridge, in fact it only gets more flavorful, so you can easily make a batch then pop out the bowl for a great snack several days running.
If we end up with more food than we can eat, I portion it out, package it up and pop it in the freezer for future quick and easy lunches and dinners.
If it'll be more than an hour, I pop it in the fridge and then set it out on the counter for a good 30 minutes before serving to take the chill off.
Get your rolling pin in hand and roll them... Some or more than some may break depending on your strength but the sure thing is that the outer layer will pop right out so you only have to pick them through...
Spread out in one layer on parchment lined baking sheet and bake at 350º for approximately 8 minutes or until nuts are lightly browned and coating has hardened / Remove from oven and toss piping hot hazelnuts into a large bowl along with any sugary goop leftover from the sauce pan / Add the 1 teaspoon of reserved spices and mix it all thoroughly again / Pop back into the oven for two more minutes, remove from oven, cool and store in airtight containers / They keep well for up to two weeks, or let the munchies begin sooner rather than later.
Drizzle more coconut peanut butter over the top to seal the sweet deal on your «Inside - Out Coconut Peanut Butter Cups» and pop the pan into the freezer for just a few minutes so they can harden.
You can serve them with steamed veggies and some crunchy potatoes, or you can flatten them out a little more and pop them in a burger.
After dinner I pop it out to cook up two more burgers, figuring we'd eat them for lunch the next day, hideous or not.
I tried to make chocolate chip scones (on more than one occasion), but they turned into inedible, tasteless rocks the second they popped out of the oven.
When I ate the salad, I recall more than anything else, the color - popping, dill pickles that really stood out, and how the dish complimented all the savory stuff we ate.
Do pop over to their website to find out more about the competition and don't forget to use the hashtag #heinzseriouslygood as you enter the competition on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.
Every time I'm inspired to do something out of my comfort zone (royal icing, fondant, cake pops), the result looks more like it was created by an elementary school - aged child than it does a Bakerella piece of edible art.
Please pop over to the Delicious Alchemy website or visit them via Facebook or Twitter to find out more about their delicious and very affordable products.
I keep the freezer stocked too with sliced + ripe frozen bananas (read more on that here)-- you never know when a sweet tooth craving pops up Try my yummy Banana Mylk recipe if you ever run out of non-dairy milk or my Chocolate Covered Banana Pops for a summer treat.
Pop over to check out her blog for more tasty recipes and tips too!
So when it expanded from four people living there to nine, plus a Christmas tree and presents and the dining room table with the extra leaf in it and more family members popping in and out, well, it did feel sometimes like it was busting at its seams.
Like one bite here because that container is just a little too full, and just onnne more bite on the way to the fridge to make sure the lid will fit, and then pop the corner on the container for just one more little taste once it's actually in the fridge, and then I better have a few more bites to even out all the containers because we have to be fair...
BS like what DA was saying is just more of the Circus Crapshow the media have put on all year with the Spurs and Kawhi, the media's attempt at revenge on the team that has by and large kept them out during their recent two decades of success (if not from Timmy's deadpan silence then Kawhi's, then it was Pop insulting their intelligence to their faces on a nightly basis).
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