Sentences with phrase «populace as»

Diane Arbus» is noted for photographs of marginalized people — dwarfs, giants, transgender people, nudists, circus performers — and others whose normality was perceived by the general populace as ugly or surreal.
The series is well known among the gaming populace as being a brutally difficult and challenging one, with little to no handholding.
It's up to you as the town's newest firefighter to save Paperville from burning to a crisp as you fight back the flames, save citizens trapped by the burning rubble, and deal with the populace as they struggle to come to terms with the terror that was ravaged their once idyllic town.
Also, the app contest will allow the students to explore more applications of the UbiSlate to not only among students but the general populace as well.
National reports such as A Nation at Risk noted the failure of schools to provide the nation with a more literate populace as evidenced by allegedly declining verbal SAT scores and less than encouraging results of National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) reading assessments.
The highly anticipated exposé, which is due to be premiered on Wednesday, June 6, has created uneasiness amongst the Ghanaian football populace as many of the leading members of the nation's football governing body are rumoured to be implicated in the video.

Not exact matches

The bigger payoff for the larger populace will come in December 2016 at the latest, when all providers will have to offer channels on a pick - and - pay basis as well as smaller theme packs that are, to use the CRTC's language, «affordable.»
As its costs of commodities and food skyrockets, its citizens» restive ambitions are thwarted by the limits facing all consuming nations, and its aging populace catches up with it, then China's resources will be stretched too thin to construct a Grand Empire with decisive hard and soft power.
The site acts as a well - oiled machine of information warfare, sowing panic, fear, and paranoia among the populace.
Clearly, as a populace we're ready for any idea that might improve the overall economic picture, and the folks at the Kauffmann Foundation think they have one: Getting members of Congress to get off their butts and pass a startup visa to help bring more immigrant entrepreneurs into the country.
But propaganda is merely a lie that is formulated and presented in a way that a lazy - minded populace will accept as the truth.
From a founder perspective, instead of diluting their stake in the company through various rounds of private financing and spending a vast amount of time and effort on building up both a brand and a customer base, the issuance of proprietary tokens to over 10,000 investors (as was the case with Bancor for example) creates an immediately incentivised populace willing to spread the company's name if it delivers on its promised product or service whilst simultaneously having not given away a single share of the company to institutional investors.
The times have changed and the question is pointless, as surely MLK's views would have evolved just as most of the populace has evolved.
Someone behaving outside the role that was the best for increasing the populace was considered sinful and were given the oppurtunity to «change their ways» or outright destoyed to serve as an example to others who would not follow the rules to increase the number of followers.
For many centuries after Constantine I, the Roman Emperor from 306 to 337 A.D., backed Christianity as a common religion for the Roman Empire in the 4th century, Christians used violence and the threat of death to expand and maintain their control of populaces.
As has been pointed out to you countless times, science has shown that the biblical myths of creation and life are not true — they are simply stories invented to satisfy an ignorant populace.
When they began their conquest of the Andean region in 1532 they noted the quipus, aka «talking knots», which were used as a record - keeping system by the native populace.
I read a while back that UK Catholics were being asked for donations to finance the trip, so I figured that at least * that * money wouldn't go to the Church as regular «Sunday» donations; but whatever part of it that the UK has to pop for is, I suppose, an issue between the populace and their gov «t.
They allowed the religious populace to use their bible to enforce slavery and consider women and minorities as less than human.
Nor should it have been a surprise that the Court, having successfully claimed for itself the authority to write a «living Constitution» based on penumbras and emanations, should assume the roles of National Metaphysician and National Nanny (as it did in Casey, with its famous «mystery of life» passage and its hectoring injunction to a fractious populace to fall into line behind the Court's abortion jurisprudence).
They did it at the cost of what was considered a National Principle, but as the populace didn't protest, they did their jobs.
Illiteracy was probably nearly as high in the priesthood in podunk towns as it was amongst the populace.
Don't forget Reality... the mythology promoted by the Romans was also urged by the Jewish pharisees at the time as a means of keeping the populace subservient to the Roman empire and thus by giving them a martyr.
Killing gays would be killing people, killing people is a sin, so that pastor is just as sinful as the gay populace.
There was a temple to Jupiter in Lystra, and its priest fell in with the populace, bringing with them garlands and oxen to make sacrifice to Barnabas and his companion Paul, believing as they did that they were Jupiter in and Mercury.
Nothing wrong with capitalism so long as the populace is protected from thieving and lying capitalists who put making money over every other value.
While helping to establish a moral foundation for society, it was just as often abused by the powers that be to keep the populace under control.
It served me VERY well during my military related deployments over the years, as a nice and comfortable stepping stone when dealing with a local populace in a foreign land.
Democratic capitalism is characterized by a functioning, representative government — that is, it is governed by individuals who are chosen by the populace in free and fair elections and who are then able to freely legislate and enforce such laws and rules as they deem proper.
It is important to note the political basis of an economic system as one of our basic dichotomies because there is a very real difference in the foundation of a capitalism in which the rules governing the system are determined by a few — rules concerning wages, monopolies, taxation, use of natural resources, government benefits, etc. — and one in which these rules are determined by representatives who are chosen by the general populace.
This is characterized by competition for the marketplace which is open to anyone who can produce the goods and services, unhindered by government subsidy, monopoly, or other interference with competition.1 For a system actually to function as free enterprise capitalism there must be opportunity for individuals in the general populace to obtain education and also to obtain access to capital and resources for new ventures.
well, its really time that we as a species realize that we are not progressing... not ensuring the survival of a clean planet with a calm populace....
well just thinking about these wars in the muslim / mid-east world over religious differences (which may reflect mental states in many ways) in a world where most realize that living in the present moment is best way to happiness and being in the moment in non-strife and awareness through the teachings of masters such as found in the buddhist, taoist, zen, etc., etc., etc. spriritually based practices of religious like thought and teachings, etc. that to ask these scientifically educated populace whom have access to vast amounts of knowledges and understandings on the internet, etc. to believe in past beliefs that perhaps gave basis and inspiration to that which followed — but is not the end all of all times or knowledges — and is thus — non self - sustaining in a belief that does not encompass growth of knowledge and understanding of all truths and being as it is or could be — is to not respect the intelligence and minds and personage of even themselves — not to be disrespected nor disrespectful in any way — only to point out that perhaps too much is asked to put others into the cloak of blind faith and adherance to the past that disregards the realities of the present and the potential of the future... so you try to live in the past — and destroy your present and your future — where is the intelligence in that — and why do people continually fear monger or allow to be fear — mongered into this destructive vision of the future based upon the past?
They found one, says Tacitus, in a body of people known as «Christians,» who were generally disliked by the Roman populace for their disgraceful practices.
Muslims make up a rather substantial part of our schools» populace, just as Judaism and Christianity do..
So, as a conciliatory gesture to the populace — and perhaps also as a snub to the priests, whom he obviously disliked and despised — he offered to give the Prisoner an unconditional discharge.
His analogy is functionalist: physical inheritance in prehension functions like the general populace which predominates in a tradition - rooted society; the novelty of the conceptual pole of a prehension plays the same role as the originative activities of the «fortunate classes», the middle class entrepreneurs, who predominate in modern society.
As Geifman notes, Russia's «urban populace swelled from around 9 million people in the mid-19th century to about 25 million in 1913, with inhabitants of most major Russian cities increasing four - or five-fold,» leading to a «breakdown of social values.»
Meanwhile, the all - volunteer army has emerged as an ever more separate institution in our society, its profile less and less like that of the general populace.
Gee, with all these examples of how guns save lives, gun related homicides in the US should be a fraction of other countries where there are strict gun laws, I mean there only the bad guys have guns so they must be having a field day with their guns and the unarmed populace... oh, completely the opposite, strict gun law countries have a fraction of the gun homicides of the US... oh and a fraction of knife homicides as well, and other method homicides as well... oh well, forget it.
Worse yet, to have the top echelon of the hierarchy consider a transfer as a just punishment, allowing those criminals dressed in black to find an entirely new populace ripe for the picking.
For among the many - colored seething populace in the noise of the world from day to day and from year to year, there is no scrupulous check made as to whether a person wholly wills the Good if he has influence and might, runs a great business, is something in his own and in others» eyes.
Jesus foresaw that the populace in Jerusalem would persist in rejecting God's call, with awesome judgment as the result.
As Richard Grunberger points out in Twelve - Year Reich: A Social History of Nazi Germany [Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1971], «the incessant official demonization of the Jew gradually modified the consciousness even of naturally humane people,» so that the populace became indifferent to Jewish suffering, «not because it occurred in wartime and under conditions of secrecy, but because Jews were astronomically remote and not real people.»
As the populace spread their garments in the way, Matthew appropriately records that they cried,
For example, it can be regarded as a merely resuscitated Jesus, or even an elaborate hoax by which the apostles hoped to deceive a credulous populace.
Stalin was a tyrant looking to control the populace, and saw the Orthodox church as a roadblock to this goal.
As percentages of the total population, religions have generally been losing relative to the total populace.
This idea is one of the reasons the ancient Roman populace abhorred Christianity, they perceived it as ritual cannibalism.
Unfortunately a high percentage of the US populace sees it as something quite sincere.
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