Sentences with phrase «populace holding»

You do laps around the island for hours, picking up incidental sidequests from the flawed populace holding on to their lives in musty townships like Balmora and Vivec City.
One fears for the Indian personnel who would be traversing this road under the gaze of a populace held prisoner in their own land.

Not exact matches

Gerecht was essentially with (see his 2012 essay «Living with Islam») certain voices in the Obama State Dept., or among the academic supporters of the Revolution at a site like The Arabist, which for a time held that the Revolution presented a chance to split the broad Islamic constituency represented by the Brotherhood, to separate the Brothers ready to meet democratic secularists half - way, from the rest, and to let the latter earn the scorn of the populace through their own policies, actions, etc..
They aren't out to help the general populace or the poor, just those that hold the same views that they do.
• There is a trickle - down theory of ideas that holds intellectuals responsible for the thought that eventually corrupts the populace.
Religion provides a sense of community and common values that a cohort of the voting populace may not believe are held by atheists.
It was meant to get such a process rolling by making the interests of the populace clear, though Congress was well aware of this movement and had previously allocated funds for the referendum to be held.
The big guys might have held back in order not to offend the populace, but the numbers do not lie: Financial - services workers collected more than $ 20 billion in bonuses in 2009, the Year of the Bailout, which is 17 percent more than last year.
The conventional wisdom has long held that China is merely following the path of the United States and other developed countries that polluted — and in some cases, continue to do so — on their way to a wealthier populace and eventual stricter environmental controls.
For those interested in who holds various views on climate, or other matters, can be held by a populace, the chapter on «Computer Simulations of Opinions and their Reactions to Extreme Events» will be illuminating, with some conclusions I found rather surprising.
The get - together with Thor acquires riffs from the Planet Hulk storyline, now with the gamma - green monster as the populace's superstar (apparently Hulk is happy where people hold parades to honor him).
«AWOL» holds attention with its strong lead performances, nicely etched support turns, and nuanced portrait of a downwardly mobile «heartland» Caucasian America too seldom portrayed in movies given the large chunk of the populace it encompasses.
For those interested in who holds various views on climate, or other matters, can be held by a populace, the chapter on «Computer Simulations of Opinions and their Reactions to Extreme Events» will be illuminating, with some conclusions I found rather surprising.
Now science is beginning to pay and it will pay a very high price indeed amongst the populace for the ongoing destruction of it's former dearly held reputation for honesty, integrity and ethics.
In fact, the Sparrow decision of 1990, the first Supreme Court of Canada Aboriginal rights decision, held that these rights may be infringed for valid objectives, including those that «prevent the exercise of... rights that would cause harm to the general populace or to aboriginal peoples themselves.»
Our 5 - star rated lawyers have an established record for holding major corporations and their insurers accountable for serious or permanent harm from malfunctioning products sold to the general populace or used by workers.
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