Sentences with phrase «popular backlash»

They have generated popular backlashes againsts Earthists.
Even Bagby, a University of Kentucky scholar once labeled a «dangerous professor» by conservative author David Horowitiz, recently said in a newspaper interview that Muslims in Kentucky have been spared from popular backlash seen in other states.
Is it fair to suggest that maybe, just maybe, the reason that the President and the EPA Administrator are so very reluctant to invoke the full regulatory authority of the EPA is because they both fear the consequences of sparking a widespread popular backlash against the lifestyle sacrifices which most certainly must be made in reducing America's GHG emissions 80 % by 2050?
But his next steps also carry risks as he seeks changes that could spawn more of a popular backlash than he has previously faced, including a proposed overhaul of unemployment benefits which aims to tighten conditions for these subsidies.
But the lack of a popular backlash to Trump's questioning of our alliance systems should be cause for worry about the depth of public support for America's current global role.
We're going to need something fun to get us through the winter months, because there will be a hipster backlash to the popular backlash against the Warriors that'll lead to a counter backlash, and we will all be sick of them by February.
While the government was able to deny it had tortured the former Guantanamo Bay inmate, a popular backlash has seen anger from those convinced the British government was complicit in torture.
Politicians may decide they can't take a particular policy route because of the popular backlash it'll cause or the political controversy it'll stir up.
February saw Ms Spelman apologise to MPs for the plans to sell off the forests, after a popular backlash against the proposals which prompted a sustained public campaign against them.
They warned of a popular backlash unless would - be geoengineers consult with the public before running such studies.
Even a founder of a marijuana legalization group says there's a possibility of a popular backlash.
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